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Дата Автор Заглавие
2003 Chen, Qingying (1941―) Tibetan history / Chen Qingying
2001   China's Tibet [Выяўленчы матэрыял]
2011   Tibet, Tibetan [Відэазапіс]
1737 Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d' (1697—1782) Nouvel atlas de la Chine, de la Tartarie Chinoise, et du Thibet [Карты] : contenant les cartes générales & particulieres de ces pays, ainsi que la carte du Royaume de Coree... / rédigées par Mr. D'Anville
2005 Wu Wei Geng Yufang La littérature du Tibet / Wu Wei Geng Yufang
1880 Jametel, Maurice L'épigraphie chinoise au Tibet : inscriptions recueillies, traduites et annotées par Maurice Jametel. — P. 1
2004 Yang Qinye Tibetan geography / Yang Qinye and Zheng Du
2005   Dreams of snow land
2000   Contemporary Tibetan paintings [Выяўленчы матэрыял]
2004   Tibet diary [Відэазапіс] : TV show
2013   Living on the Roof of the World II / written by Xu Chaoqing, Li Lin [et al.] ; [translated by Qiao Shujing and Li Jing]
2017 Xiaolong The dreams of children in Kham / [authors: Xiaolong & Lijun] ; [translated by Huang Xiaoyu and Guan Yao]
1996 Parker, A. Sur le chemin de la serenite : La vie du sГdhou Sundar Singh
2005 Xiong Wenbin Tibetan arts / Xiong Wenbin
2001   Tibetan costume and ornaments [Выяўленчы матэрыял]
2001   Testimony of history [Выяўленчы матэрыял]
2001   Contemporary Tibetan paintings [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / compiled by Information Office of the State Council [of the] People's Republic of China
2009 Zhong Bu Shi zhi shi er shi ji xi zang si miao / Zhong Bu, Ciren Duojie
1997 Wang Jia Wei Zhongguo Xizang de lishi diwei / Wang Jia Wei, Ni Ma Jian
2001 Yang Qinye Xizang dili / Yang Qinye, Zheng Du
1993 Dung-dkar blo-bzang 'phrim-las (1927—) The merging of religious and secular rule in Tibet / by Dung-dkar blo-bzang 'phrim-las ; [translated by Chen Guansheng]
1976 Griswold, Alexander B. Burma, Korea, Tibet / Alexander B. Griswold, Chewon Kim, Pieter H. Pott
1908 Фильхнер, Вильгельм (1877—1957) Das Rätsel des Matschu : meine Tibet-Expedition / Wilhelm Filchner
1981 Nakamura, Hajime (1912―1999) Ways of thinking of Eastern peoples : India, China, Tibet, Japan / Hajime Nakamura
2015 Szembek, Fryderyk (рэлігійны дзеяч ; 1575–1644) Tybet i Tunquim w pismach Fryderyka Szembeka / wstęp i opracowanie: Renata Czekalska, Agnieszka Kuczkiewicz-Fraś
1971 Анагарика Говинда (лама ; 1898—1985) Foundations of Tibetan mysticism : according to the esoteric teachings of the Great Mantra, Om Mani Padme Hūm / Lama Anagarika Govinda ; photographic plates by Li Gotami
2003 Strong, Anna Louise (1885—1970) When serfs stood up in Tibet : a report by Anna Louise Strong
2003 Li, Tao Tibetan customs / Li Tao & Jiang Hong Ying
2002   2003 [Изоматериал] : West Сhina : Calendar
2001   Collections of Tibetan folk works of art [Выяўленчы матэрыял]
2011   Sceneries and Сulture in Tibet [Відэазапіс]
2004   China's Tibet [Відэазапіс] / producedChina Intercontinental Communication Center
1994   The mirror illuminating the royal genealogies : Tibetan Buddhist historiography : an annotated translation of the XIVth century Tibetan chronicle rGyal-rabs gsal-ba'i me-long / [bSod-nams-rgyal-mtshan] ; [translated by Per K. Sørensen]
1991 Tenzin, Gyatso (the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet) Freedom in exile : The autobiography of His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet / Tenzin Gyatso
2005 Zhang Xiaoming Eyewitnesses to 100 years of Tibet : [interview whith eyewitnesses] / Zhang Xiaoming
2004 Ga, Zangjia Xizang zongjiao = Tibetan religions / Ga Zangjia
2003 Chen, Qingying (1941―) Dalailama zhuanshii / Chen Qingying
2003 Jiang An Zang zhuan fojiao / Jiang An
1986 David-Neel, Alexandra (1868—1969) Magic and mystery in Tibet / Alexandra David-Neel ; introduction by Aaron Sussman
2020 Bressler, Sonia Discovering Tibet / Sonia Bressler
2019   Democratic reform in Tibet ― sixty years on, March 2019 / The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China
2008 Zhang Xiaoming Eyewitnesses to 100 years of Tibet : [interview with eyewitnesses : history instead of conclusion] / Zhang Xiaoming
1984 Hicks, Roger Great ocean : An authorised biogr. of the Buddhist monk Tenzin Gyatso,. His Holiness the Fourteenth Dalai Lama / Roger Hicks, Ngakpa Chogyam
2006 Tsering Yangdzom The aristocratic families in Tibetan history, 1900―1951 : [translated from the Chinese] / Tsering Yangdzom
1924 Hedin, Sven (1865―1952) Przygody w Tybecie / Sven Hedin ; przełożył z upoważnienia autora Władysław Pniewski
2002   Tibetan costume and ornaments [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [writers: An Xu, Li Yong] ; compiled by Information Office of the State Council [of the] People's Republic of China
2011 Pistono, Matteo (журналіст) In the shadow of the Buddha : secret journeys, sacred histories, and spiritual discovery in Tibet / Matteo Pistono ; [foreword by Richard Gere]
2013 Jin Zhiguo (пісьменнік ; нар. 1957) Eternal mountain : selected Tibetan stories of Jin Zhiguo
1998 Jackson, David P. Tibetan thangka painting : methods and materials / David P. Jackson, Janice A. Jackson ; illustrated by Robert Beer
1897 Knight, Edward Frederick (1852—1925) Where three empires meet : a narrative of recent travel in Kashmir, Western Tibet, Gilgit, and the adjoining countries / E. F. Knight
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