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Дата Автор Заглавие
1998 Seidl, Hans D Stalin's eagles : An ill. study of the Soviet aces of World War II and Korea / Hans D.Seidl ; Forew.: G.Rall, V.Popkov
2000 Joh, W. Y. An English-Korean illustrated history of Korean war / W.Y.Joh
1993   Выдающееся предводительство ― блестящая победа [Выяўленчы матэрыял]
1990-1999   Season's Greetings [Изоматериал] : [Открытка]
1972   Korea newsreview
1961   Korean уouth and students : the organ of the Central Committee of the League of Socialist Working Youth of Korea and the Korean Students Committee / League of Socialist Working Youth of Korea
2018 Kim, Cheehyung Harrison Heroes and toilers : work as life in postwar North Korea, 1953—1961 / Cheehyung Harrison Kim
2007 Погорєлова, Інна Сергіївна Корейське питання в зовнішній політиці США (90-і рр. XX - початок XXI ст.) : автореферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата історичних наук : 07.00.02 / Погорєлова Інна Сергіївна ; Київський національний університет ім. Тараса Шевченка,
2003 Kim, Kyong-Dong The two Koreas : Social change and nat. integration / Kim Kyong-Dong, Lee On-Jook
1989 Spurr, Russell Enter the dragon : China at war in Korea / Russell Spurr
2010   On the attack against ROK ship Cheonan : joint investigation report / Republic of Korea, Ministry of National Defense
2010   North Korea policy : Japan and the great powers / edited by Linus Hagström and Marie Söderberg
2010 Jeffries, Ian Contemporary North Korea : a guide to economic and political developments / Ian Jeffries
2009   The Koreas / editor: Mary E. Connor
2014   International attention : opinion of China, 2014 / translated by Gao Donghui
1968   Agricultural working people of Korea / The Central Committee of the Union of Agricultural Working People of Korea
1990   Trade unions of Korea : the organ of the Central Committee of the General Federation of Trade Unions of Korea
2018 Wada, Haruki The Korean War : an international history / Wada Haruki ; translated by Frank Baldwin
2002 Ким Чен Ир (государственный деятель ; 1941 или 1942—2011) On the Juche philosophy / Kim Jong Il
2008   98 (2009) de la era Juche [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [паштоўка]
196?   La Corée d'aujourd'hui : revue mensuelle
1969   Revue de Corée
1995 Lowe, Peter The origins of the Korean War / Peter Lowe
1961 Jacobs, Bruce Korea's heroes : The medal of honor story / Bruce Jacobs ; [Introd.]: Mark W.Clark
1977 Donovan, Robert J Conflict and crisis : The presidency of Harry S.Truman, 1945-1948 / Robert J.Donovan
2010 Eui-Gak Hwang The search for a unified Korea : political and economic implications / Eui-Gak Hwang
2007   Juche 97 (2008) [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : Happy New Year! : [каляндар насценны перакідны]
1980   Korean paintings of today [Выяўленчы матэрыял]
1965   Korean nature : quarterly journal published by the Association for Nature Conservation of the DPRK
2000 Chung, Henry Korea and the United States through war and peace, 1943-1960 / Henry Chung ; Introd.: S.Jin-Woo Kim
1988   North Korea at the crossroads : [translated from Japanese] / edited by Masao Okonogi
2009 Jeong Nam Choi Eine Analyse der Transformationsberatung für die "kollektive Landwirtschaft" während der ersten Transformationsphase (1989―1991) am Beispiel Ostdeutschlands : Lehren für Korea : [Promotionsstudium im Fachgebiet Agrar- und Ernährungswissenschaften der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg] / Jeong Nam Choi
2007 Haggard, Stephan (палітолаг ; нар. 1952) Famine in North Korea : markets, aid, and reform / Stephan Haggard and Marcus Noland ; foreword by Amartya Sen
1955   Hymny krajów demokracji ludowej [Ноты] : na średnią orkiestrę dętą / instrumentacja Augustyn Wiśniewski
2011 Ким Чен Ир (государственный деятель ; 1941 или 1942—2011) The Songun-based revolutionary line is a great revolutionary line of our era and an ever-victorious banner of our revolution : talk to the Senior Officials of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, January 29, Juche 92 (2003) / Kim Jong Il
19??   Women of Korea
2018   North Korean modern history : a sourcebook / edited by Dae-Sook Suh, Wan Bom Lee, Seung Hyun Lee. — Vol. 1
1931 Эйдус, Хаім Тэвелевіч (доктар гістарычных навук ; 1896—1972) Рабочы рух у калоніях Усходу : Індыя. Інданэзія. Інда-Кітай. Філіпіны. Карэя. Формоза
2001 Witkowski, Igor Hitler - Stalin : Oblicza propagandy / Igor Witkowski
2012 Ким Чен Ир (государственный деятель ; 1941 или 1942—2011) Let us hold the great leader in high esteem forever and accomplish his cause : talk to the Senior Officials of thr Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, October 16, 1994 / Kim Jong Il
1998 Ким Чен Ир (государственный деятель ; 1941 или 1942—2011) Let us reunify the country independently and peacefully through the great unity of the entire nation : letter to the National Symposium to Mark the 50th Anniversary of the Historic Joint Conference of Representatives of Political Parties and Public Organizations in North and South Korea, April 18, Juche 87 (1998) / Kim Jong Il
2008 Ким Чен Ир (государственный деятель ; 1941 или 1942—2011) The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is a Juche-oriented socialist state with invincible might : discourse published in Rodong Sinmun, organ of the Central Committee of the Worker's Party of Korea, and Minju Joson, Organ of the DPRK Government, September 5, Juche 97 (2008) / Kim Jong Il
1960   Korean stamps / The Philatelists' Union of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
2018   North Korean modern history : a sourcebook / edited by Dae-Sook Suh, Wan Bom Lee, Seung Hyun Lee. — Vol. 2
1999 Sung, Chul Yang The North and South Korean political systems : A comparative analysis / Sung Chul Yang
2007 Park Kyung-seo Promoting peace and human rights on the Korean Peninsula / Park Kyung-seo
1998 Ким Чен Ир (государственный деятель ; 1941 или 1942—2011) Que toda la nación unida alcance la reunificación independiente y pacífica de la patria : mensaje al seminario central efectuado con motivo del 50 aniversario de la histórica Conferencia Conjunta de los Representantes de los Partidos Políticos y las Organizaciones Sociales de Corea del Norte y del Sur 18 de abril del 87 (1998) de la era Juche / Kim Jong Il
2014   The social and psychological acculturation of North Korean refugees / Soon-Hyung Yi [et al.]
1991   The truth about the Korean War : testimony 40 years later / edited by Kim Chullbaum
1988 Halliday, Jon Korea : The unknown war / Jon Halliday, Bruce Cumings
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