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2000 Council of Europe Societies in conflict: the contribution of law and democracy to conflict resolution = Societes en conflit: la contribution du droit et de la democratie au reglement des conflits / Europ. Commiss. for Democracy through Law
2001   The Republic of Cyprus : an overview
1995 Кацелли, Рина (писательница ; нар. 1938) Rina Catselli / introduction, selected bibliography and anthology by Nayia Roussou ; translated by Nayia Roussou, David Bailey, Mary Ioannides ; drawing by Constantinos Smyrnios
1994 Aggelidou, Klairi (нар. 1932) Klairi Aggelidou / translation, introduction, selected bibliography and anthology by Nayia Roussou ; drawing by Andreas Ladommatos
1993 Ioannídis, Kleítos (пісьменнік ; нар. 1944) Klitos Ioannides / introduction, selected bibliography and anthology by Chara Baconicola-Georgopoulou ; translated by Rhea Frangkofinou
1996 Kyrris, Costas P. Κύπρος, Τουρκία και Έλληνισμός : θεσμοί, δομές, σχέσεις, προβλήματα : Μ' επίλογο για τις Ανατολικές σπουδές στον Έλληνικό χώρο / Κώστας Π. Κύρρης
1992 Council of Europe European Social Charter : 11th report (II), 1987-88 (Austria, Cyprus, Federal Republic of Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain) and Addendum to the 10th report (I) (Netherlands Antilles) / Gov. Comm
2002   Major companies of Europe, 2003 / Ed.: Vicky Bentley (team leader) et al. — Vol. 1: Austria. Belgium. Cyprus. Denmark. Eire. Finland / Project ed.: Rosemary Crawford, Ann Wilson
1971 Stavrou, Patroclos Cyprus ― the sweet land [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / Patroclos Stavrou ; artistical supervision: A. Tassos
1996 Kyrris, Costas P. History of Cyprus / Costas P. Kyrris
2000   Vine and wine culture in Cyprus through the centuries = Le patrimoine vinicole a Chypre a travers les siecles / Ed.: Min. of the Interior. Dep. of Town Planning and Housing, Dep. of Antiquities ; Ed. comm.: A.Aristotelous-Cleridou, E.Fiouri, P.Enotiades
1995 Council of Europe European Social Charter : 12th report (II), 1989-90 (Austria, Cyprus, France, Germany, Italy, Malta, Spain) / Gov. Comm
1996   Lefkosia (Nicosia) city centre ; Major Lefkosia (Nicosia) [Карты] / Cyprus Tourism Organization
2014   Foreign relations of the United States, 1977―1980 / United States of America, Department of State. — Vol. 21: Cyprus; Turkey; Greece / editor: David Zierler ; general editor: Adam M. Howard
1963   Cyprus to-day
2001 Bayülken, Ümit Halûk Cyprus question and the United Nation / Ü. Halûk Bayülken
1997   Theatre in Cyprus, 1997 / Cyprus centre of the intern. theatre inst
2000-2010   Agia Napa and Protaras : hotel guide
1997   Κύπρος : ιστορία, Αμμόχωστος, μονές, λογοτεχνία, τέχνη / υπεύθυνος έκδοσυς: Ελευθερία Τράιου
2005   Eiropa Latvija [Выяўленчы матэрыял] = Europa in Lettland : 2005/2006 : kalendars [насценны перакідны] / Latvijas Akademiska Biblioteka ; projekta vaditaja Venta Kocere ; teksta autori Janis Stradins [i iнш.] ; foto Gvido Kajons
1924 Morawski, Zdzisław "Epilogi krucjat w XV wieku" i inne studja renesansowe / Zdzisław Morawski
2009   Αιματηρή αλήθεια, 1955―1974 = Bloody truth, 1955―1974
2018   Стагоддзе аднаўлення Незалежнасці Польшчы. Святкуе ўвесь свет [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : 2019 : [насценны перакідны] каляндар / Польскі інстытут
1978 Янев, Румен Съвременни балкански проблеми в западногерманската научно-политическа периодика, 1960-1974 / БАН. Инст. за Балканистика
1995 Пилиотис, Ахиллеас (писатель ; род. 1923) Achilleas Pyliotis / introduction, selected bibliography and anthology by Andreas Hadjithomas ; translated by Irena Ioannidou ; drawing by Yianna Pyliotou
1994 Ладаки-Филиппу, Ники (писательница ; 1937—2003) Niki Ladaki-Philippou / introduction, selected bibliography and anthology by Themis Theocharous ; translated by Irena Ioаnnides, Niki Ladaki-Philippou ; drawing by Paris Pierides
1993 Миханикос, Пантелис (писатель ; 1926—1979) Pantelis Mechanikos / introduction, selected bibliography and anthology: Nicos Orphanides ; translated by Rhea Frankofinou ; drawing by Tassos Stephanides
1995 Иоаннидис, Панос (писатель ; род. 1935) Panos Ioannides / introductory text: George K. Ioannides ; translations: Rhea Frangofinou, David Bailey ; drawing: Evi-Irena Ioannides
1998 Council of Europe Structure and operation of local and regional democracy : Cyprus: Situation in 1998: Rep. by the Steering Comm. on Local and Regional Democracy (CDLR) in June 1998
1995 Филиппу-Пиеридис, Георгиос (писатель ; 1904—1999) Yiorgos Philippou Pierides / introductory text, excerpts from critiques and anthology by Thomas Symeou ; translated by Irena Ioannides ; drawing by Andreas Charalambous
1993 Соломониду, Лина (писательница ; род. 1924) Lina Solomonidou / introduction, selected bibliography and anthology by Themis Theocharous ; translated by Susan Papas, Rhea Frankofinou ; drawing by Andreas Ladomatos
1994 Roussou, Nayia (нар. 1935) Nayia Roussou / introduction, selected bibliography and anthology by Themis Theocharous ; translated by Christine Georghiadou ; drawing by Lefteris Ikonomоu
2003   In focus : a quarterly magazine on literature, culture & the arts in Cyprus
2016   Cyprus, Crete and the Aegean islands in antiquity / editor-in-chief: Edward Dąbrowa
2001 Haktanir, Korkmaz Under the shadow of the embargo / Korkmaz Haktanir ; Publ.: Center for Strategic Research
1997 Council of Europe Secondary education in Cyprus / [Auth.] : Costas Marcou ; Council for Cultural Co-operation
2003   Ιστορική Κύπρος : μεσαιωνική Κύπρος, Λευκωσία, Κερύνεια / υπεύθυνος έκδοσυς: Ελευθερία Τράιου
1994 Kouyialis, Theoklis (пісьменнік ; нар. 1936) Theoklis Kouyialis : the poet as an existential Ulysses / introduction and anthology by Irena Ioannidou ; translations: Irena Ioannidou, John Vickers, Kostas Hadjigeorgiou ; drawing: Kypros Kyprianou
1995 Прусис, Костас (писатель ; 1911—1993) Costas M. Proussis / introduction, selected bibliography and anthology: Kypros Chrysanthis ; translation: Eva-Irena Ioannides
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