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2002 Полл, Розвита (библиотековедение ; род. 1939) Измерение качества работы : Междунар. рук. по измерению эффективности работы унив. и др. науч. б-к : Пер. с англ. / Розвита Полл, Петер те Бокхорст при участии Р.Абада Хиралдо и др. ; Секция унив. и др. науч. б-к ИФЛА
???? Вирла, Э. В.И.Ленин и библиотечное дело
1995 "Библиотеки и социальное развитие", генеральная конф. ИФЛА (60; 1994; Гавана). 60-я Генеральная конференция ИФЛА "Библиотеки и социальное развитие", Гавана, 1994 = 60-я IFLA General conference "Libraries and Social Development" (Havana, 1994) : Аннот. библиогр. указ. докл. и сообщ. / Сост. Е.А.Азарова ; 1994 ; Гавана
2007   IFLA library building guidelines : developments & reflections / edited on behalf of IFLA by Karen Latimer and Hellen Niegaard
1996 International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section on Acquisition and Collection Development Newsletter of the IFLA Section on Acquisition and Collection Development
1994 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў World directory of national parliamentary libraries : including multi-national parliamentary libraries. Vol. 2 / International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions ; compiled and edited by Ernst Kohl
1993 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў World directory of parliamentary libraries of federated states and autonomous territories. Vol. 2 / International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions ; comp. a. ed. by Ernst Kohl
1990 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў World guide to library, archive, and information science associations / Josephine Riss Fang a. Alice H. Songe ; with the ass. of Anna J. Fang and Alexandra Herz ; International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
1994   ИФЛА: факты и основные направления деятельности : В мире библ. и информ. обслуж. / Пер. с англ. О.Д.Азаровой
2001 Библиотечная Ассамблея Евразии Справочник БАЕ, 2001 / Библиотечная ассамблея Евразии, Российская государственная библиотека ; [составители: Н. П. Игумнова, Л. И. Куштанина, Н. Л. Рожков]
2003 Ceynowa, Klaus Cost management for university libraries : with attached CD-ROM / Klaus Ceynowa, André Coners ; in collaboration with Roswitha Poll [et al.] ; translated from the German by Patrick Nicholson
2008   Information literacy : international perspectives / edited by Jesús Lau
2006 Международная федерация библиотечных ассоциаций и учреждений Новости Российского комитета ИФЛА = IFLA Russian committee newsletter : научно-практический журнал / Российская государственная библиотека
2015 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў Annual report, 2014 : IFLA ― the global voice of libraries / introduction by Sinikka Sipilä
1993 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў World directory of parliamentary libraries of federated states and autonomous territories. Vol. 1 / International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions ; comp. a. ed. by Ernst Kohl
2004   Knowledge management : libraries and librarians taking up the challenge / edited by Hans-Christoph Hobohm
2004 IFLA meeting of experts on an international cataloguing code (1; Frankfurt; 2003). IFLA cataloguing principles: steps towards an international cataloguing code : report from the 1st IFLA meeting of experts on an international cataloguing code (Frankfurt, 2003) / edited by Barbara B. Tillett [et al.] ; 2003. ; Frankfurt
1995   Руководства для публичных и детских библиотек, подготовленные Международной федерацией библиотечных ассоциаций и учреждений / М-во культуры Рос. Федерации
2007   Bibliografija, 2005—2006 : mokslo darbai / Lietuvos Nacionalnė Martyno Mažvydo Biblioteka ; Bibliografijos ir Knygotyros Centras ; mokslinė redaktorė ir sudarytoja: Regina Varnienė [et al.]
2008   UNIMARC manual : bibliographic format / edited by Alan Hopkinson
2011   Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) : a conceptual model / edited by Marcia Lei Zeng, Maja Žumer and Athena Salaba ; IFLA Working Group on the Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Records (FRSAR)
2010 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў IFLA directory, 2009—2011
2002   ISBD (CR): International standard bibliographic description for serials and other continuing resources / International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, IFLA Universal Bibliographic Control and International MARC Programme, Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt am Main ; recommended by the ISBD(S) Working Group ; approved by the Standing Committees of the IFLA Section on Cataloguing and the IFLA Section on Serial Publications
2005   World guide to library, archive, and information science associations / edited by Marko Schweizer
2009   UNIMARC manual : authorities format / edited by Mirna Willer
2012   Guidelines for subject access in national bibliographies / edited by Yvonne Jahns ; IFLA Working Group on Guidelines for Subject Access by National Bibliographic Agencies
2009   Functional requirements for authority data : a conceptual model / edited by Glenn E. Patton ; final report, December 2008, [of the] IFLA Working Group on Functional Requirements and Numbering of Authority Records (FRANAR) ; approved by the Standing Committees of the IFLA Cataloguing Section and IFLA Classification and Indexing Section, March 2009
19?? International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Section on Document Delivery and Interlending Newsletter of the IFLA Section on Document Delivery and Interlending
2019 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў IFLA annual report, 2018
1994 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў World directory of national parliamentary libraries : including multi-national parliamentary libraries. Vol. 1 / International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions ; compiled and edited by Ernst Kohl
2004   ISBD(G): General International Standard Bibliographic Description : 2004 revision / recommended by the ISBD Review Group ; approved by the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section
1991 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў Reference service for pulications of intergovernmental organizations : papers from IFLA workshop, Paris, August 24, 1989 / Section on Government Information and Official Publications, Section on Bibliography, Section on Social Science Libraries, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions ; ed. by Alfred Kagan
2002   The ethics of librarianship : an international survey / edited by Robert W. Vaagan ; introduction by Alex Byrne
2002   Libraries in the information society / edited by Tatiana V. Ershova, Yuri E. Hohlov
2003   Models of cooperation in US, Latin American and Caribbean libraries : the 1st IFLA/SEFLIN International Summit on Library Cooperation in the Americas / edited by Bruce Edward Massis
2016   Indigenous notions of ownership and libraries, archives and museums / edited by Camille Callison, Loriene Roy and Gretchen Alice LeCheminant
1992 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў World directory of national parliamentary libraries / International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions ; ed. a. introd. by Ernst Kohl
1992 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў ISBD(G) : general international standard bibliographic discription : annotated text / prepared by the ISBD Review Committee Working Group set up by the IFLA Committee on Cataloguing, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
1991 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў UNIMARC/AUTHORITIES : universal format for authorities / recommended by the IFLA Steering Group on a UNIMARC Format for Authorities ; approved by the Standing Committees of the IFLA Sections on Cataloguing and Information Technology, International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
2002   Managing the preservation of periodicals and newspapers = Gérer la conservation des périodiques et de la presse : proceedings of the IFLA symposium, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris, 21―24 August 2000 / edited by Jennifer Budd
2003   Newspapers in international librarianship : papers presented by the Newspapers Section at IFLA general conferences / edited by Hartmut Walravens, Edmund King
2010 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў Annual report, 2010 / compiled by Susan Schaepman
2010 Міжнародная федэрацыя бібліятэчных асацыяцый і ўстаноў Annual report, 2009 : the global voice of libraries
2012   Розбудова потужних бібліотечних асоціацій : навчальні матеріалі для підвищення кваліфікації бібліотекарів / Українська бібліотечна асоціація, Національна академія керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв, Центр безперервної інформаційно-бібліотечної освіти ; [укладачі: В. С. Пашкова, Я. Є. Сошинська]
2019 World Library and Information Congress (2019 ; Athens) Calendar 2020 [to the] IFLA WLIC 2019 Athens / Association of Greek Librarians and Information Scientists
1991   ISBD (PM) : international standard bibliographic description for printed music / [IFLA] ; Deutsche Bibliothek, Frankfurt am Main ; recommended by the Project Group on ISBD(PM) of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) ; approved by the Standing Committees of the IFLA Sections on Cataloguing and Information Technology
1992 Tate, Thelma H. Mobile libraries in the world community 1980―1992 : an annotated bibliography / Thelma H. Tate ; International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions
???? Хэмрик, Лилиан А Специальные библиотеки и образование в США : Докл. для секции спец. б-к Междунар. Федерации библ. ассоц
1998   Multi-script, multilingual, multi-character issues for the online environment : proceedings of a workshop sponsored by the IFLA Section on Cataloguing, 24 August 1995, Istanbul / editors: John D. Byrum, Olivia Madison
2003 IFLA Pre-world Summit Conference (Geneva; 2003). Libraries - the heart of the information society : Proc. of the IFLA Pre-World Summit Conference (Geneva ; 2003) / Intern. Federation of Libr. Assoc. and Inst. ; Swiss Libr. for Intern. Relations ; 2003
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