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1999 Кіпель, Вітаўт Яўхімавіч (гісторык ; 1927—2022) Belarusans in the United States
2010 Lucas, Kintto Rebeliones indígenas y negras en América Latina : entre viento y fuego / Kintto Lucas
1973 Forbes, Jack D. Aztecas del norte : the Chicanos of Aztlan / Jack D. Forbes
2015 Derengowski, Piotr (гісторык ; нар. 1982) Polacy w wojnie secesyjnej, 1861―1865 / Piotr Derengowski
1992 Coldham, Peter Wilson The complete book of emigrants : a comprehensive listing compiled from English public records of those who took ship to the Americas for political, religious, and economic reasons; of those who were deported for vagrancy, roguery or non-conformity; and of those who were sold to labour in the new colonies / Peter Wilson Coldham. — [Vol. 3]: 1700―1750
2011 Ayala Lafée-Wilbert, Cecilia Memoria histórica de los resguardos guaiqueríes : propiedad y territorialidad tradicional / Cecilia Ayala Lafée-Wilbert, Werner Wilbert
1975 Lips, Eva Sie alle heißen Indianer : [für Leser von 12 Jahren an] / Eva Lips ; Illustrationen von Gerhard Lahr
1990 Coldham, Peter Wilson The complete book of emigrants : a comprehensive listing compiled from English public records of those who took ship to the Americas for political, religious, and economic reasons; of those who were deported for vagrancy, roguery or non-conformity; and of those who were sold to labour in the new colonies / Peter Wilson Coldham. — [Vol. 2]: 1661―1699
2006 Havard, Gilles Histoire de l'Amerique francaise / Gilles Havard, Cecile Vidal
1994   African American almanac / editors: Jay P. Pederson, Kenneth Estell. — Vol. 2: Society
1991 Pollak-Eltz, Angelina La negritud en Venezuela / Angelina Pollak-Eltz
1971   Slavs in Canada. — Vol. 3 : proceedings of the Third National Conference on Canadian Slavs, June 14―17, 1969, York University, Toronto / compiled and edited by Cornelius J. Jaenen
2004 Нестерова, Светлана Александровна Образ английской и американской женщины в представлении современников (последняя треть ХІХ - начало ХХ веков). : Автореф. дис. на соиск. учен. степ. канд. ист. наук : 07.00.03 / Нестерова Светлана Александровна ; [Самар. гос. ун-т]
2004 Diner, Hasia R The Jews of the United States, 1654 to 2000 / Hasia R. Diner
1960 Jones, Maldwyn Allen American immigration / Maldwyn Allen Jones
1925 Reinwein, Abraham Der id in Kanade : fun der franzojsischer periode bis der moderner zeit / Abraham Reinwein. — Bd. 1
1994   African American almanac / editors: Jay P. Pederson, Kenneth Estell. — Vol. 1: History
1994   African American almanac / editors: Jay P. Pederson, Kenneth Estell. — Vol. 3: Culture
2007 Mitchell, Brian R. International historical statistics : the Americas, 1750―2005 / B. R. Mitchell
2008 Ramos Guédez, José Marcial (нар. 1950) Contribución a la historia de las culturas negras en Venezuela Colonial / José Marcial Ramos Guédez
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