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Дата Автор Заглавие
1999   Encyclopedia of the archaeology of Ancient Egypt / Compiled and edited by Kathryn A. Bard ; Editing assistance of Steven Blake Shubert
1994 United Nations. Department for Development Support and Management Services The role of the public sector in promoting the economic development of developing countries : Proc. of a United Nations Interregional Seminar, Nairobi, [9-15 Jan. 1991]
1928   Egypt, the Nile, Sudan, Palestine and Syria : Programme of arrangements for visiting: Season 1928-29 / Cook's Nile Services and Palestine Tours
2003 United Nations. Economic and Social Commission foe Western Asia. Survey of economic and social developements in the ESCWA region, 2001-2002. — Pt. 2: Reform of economic institutions in ESCWA member countries with Egypt and the Syrian Arab Republic as case studies
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций. Экономическая и социальная комиссия для Западной Азии Survey of economic and social developments in the ESCWA region, 1999-2000. — Pt. 2: The role of the state in the globalized economy, with Egypt and Jordan as case studies
2006 Bregeon, Jean-Joel L'Égypte de Bonaparte / Jean-Joël Brégon
1996 Municipal library of Alexandria (Maktabat al Balada). Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Municipal library of Alexandria (Maktabat al Balada) / The General organization of Aleksandria library ; prepared by: Youssef Zeidan ; introduction by Mohsen M. Zahran. — Pt. 1: Sciences : Physics - Mathematics - Astronomy - Medicine
2001 Municipal library of Alexandria (Maktabat al Balada). Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Municipal library of Alexandria (Maktabat al Balada) / The General organization of Aleksandria library ; prepared by: Youssef Zeidan ; introduction by Mohsen M. Zahran. — Pt. 5: Hadith
1997 Abu'l'Abbas almorsi library (Alexandria). Catalogue of manuscripts in Abu'l'Abbas almorsi library / prepared by: Youssef Ziedan ; introduction by: Mohsen Zahran ; The General organization of Alexandria library. — Pt. 1
2001 Организация Объединенных Наций. Экономическая и социальная комиссия для Западной Азии Agricultural trade and the new trade agenda: options and strategies to capture the benefits for the Middle East : Case study from Egypt / in co-op. with the World Bank
1907 Schuré, Édouard (1841—1929) Sanctuaires d'Orient: Égypte, Grèce, Palestine / Édouard Schuré
2010 United Nations. World Bank Migration and skills : the experience of migrant workers from Albania, Egypt, Moldova, and Tunisia / Jesús Alquézar Sabadie [et al.]
1900-1930   Luxor. General View [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [паштоўка]
1900-1930   Luxor. Pylon Statues and Obelisk of Rameses II [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [паштоўка]
2014 Vale, Margaret Siwa : jewelry, costume, and life in an Egyptian oasis / Margaret Vale
2017   Scientific and technological potential, innovation and investment in Belarus, 2017 : [on cooperation of the Republic of Belarus with the Arab Republic of Egypt] / [редактор А. В. Волосач] ; использованы материалы, предоставленные Национальным агентством инвестиций и приватизации, Министерством иностранных дел Республики Беларусь, БелТА
1928 Dorgelès, Roland (1885―1973) La caravane sans chameaux / Roland Dorgelès
1942 Grühl, Max (1884—1944) Ägyptischer Sommer / Max Grühl
2004 Chalaby, Abbas All of Egypt [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : from Cairo to Abu Simbel and Sinai / Abbas Chalaby
2017   The executive regulation of the investment law № 72 of 2017 / Arab Republic of Egypt, Ministry of Investment and International Cooperation ; Egypt General Authority for Investment and Free Zones
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