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Дата Автор Заглавие
1999 Rajer, Anton Public sculpture in Wisconsin : An atlas of outdoor monuments, memorials & masterpieces in the Badger State / Anton Rajer, Christine Style ; Publ.: SOS! Save Outdoor Sculpture, Wisconsin
2016 Goldrick-Rab, Sara Paying the price : college costs, financial aid, and the betrayal of the American dream / Sara Goldrick-Rab
2002   Great pages in history from the Wisconsin State Journal, 1852-2002 / Publ.: James W.Hopson ; Introd., ed.: Frank M.Denton ; Ed.: William C.Robbins
2003 Loew, Patty Native people of Wisconsin / Patty Loew ; The State Historical Society of Wisconsin
2002 Williams, Zane Double take : A rephotographic survey of Madison, Wisconsin / Zane Williams
2004 Harper, Josephine L Guide to the Draper manuscripts / Josephine L. Harper
2008-2011 Walz, Gari (фатограф) Wisconsin [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [паштоўка] / photos Gari Walz
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