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Дата Автор Заглавие
1999   Integrated surface hourly 1995-1999 [Electronic resource] / [World Meteorol. Organization], U.S.Dep. of Commerce, Nat. Oceanic a. Atmospheric Administration. — Vol. 8: Central United States (MI,MS,TN,KY,IN,AR,TX,LA,MO,IL,IA,WI,MN and OK) [Electronic resource]
1905   Geologic atlas of the United States [Map] / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. — nr 124: Mount Mitchell folio : North Carolina - Tennessee [Map] : index map : contents descriptive text, topographic map, areal geology map, economic geology map, structure-section sheet, columnar section sheet
1895   Geologic atlas of the United States [Map] / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. — folio 19: Stevenson folio : Alabama - Georgia - Tennessee [Map] : index map : list of sheets, description, topography, areal geology, economic geology, structure sections
2000   Geology of the Mount Le Conte 7.7-minute quadrangle, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee and North Carolina / U.S. Dep. of the Interior; U.S. Geol. Survey; [auth.]: Art Schultz, Scott Southworth, Carrie Fingeret, Tom Weik [Electronic resource]
1899   Geologic atlas of the United States [Map] / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. — folio 53: Standingstone folio : Tennessee [Map] : index map : list of sheets, description, topography, historical geology, economic geology, structure sections
1895   Geologic atlas of the United States [Map] / Department of the Interior, United States Geological Survey. — folio 16: Knoxville folio : Tennessee - North Carolina [Map] : index map : list of sheets, description, topography, areal geology, economic geology, structure sections, columnar sections
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