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Дата Автор Заглавие
1900-1950   Kling Cooly Head, Singapore [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [паштоўка]
2009 Zheng Zhenqing Trade unionism and national development : political sociology of Singapore's industrialization / Zheng Zhenqing
2005   BiblioAsia
2004   Сингапур : перевод с английского / составитель Д.А.Лейдлоу
1977   [Обзорная карта мира] [Карты] / Генеральный штаб. — 23-01-00: Сингапур : составлено в 1975 г. : подготовлено к изданию в 1976 г. / ответственный редактор А. Б. Кириллов
1989   Карта Европы и Азии [Карты] : [общегеографическая карта] / Генеральный штаб. — Каир: Сингапур : составлено и подготовлено к изданию в 1989 г. / ответственный редактор Г. В. Хворов
1974   Who's who in Malaysia, 1973—1974, and Guide to Singapore / edited and published by J. Victor Morais
2017   Curriculum leadership by middle leaders : theory, design and practice / edited by Kelvin Tan Heng Kiat, Mary Anne Heng and Christina Ratnam-Lim
2008 United Nations. World Bank Toward a better future : education and training for economic development in Singapore since 1965 / edited by Lee Sing Kong [et al.]
2005 Ильина, Светлана Сергеевна Обращение в сингапурском варианте английского языка : автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени кандидата филологических наук : 10.02.04 / Ильина Светлана Сергеевна ; [Дальневосточный государственный университет]
2007   Work stress and coping among professionals / edited by Chan Kwok-bun
1945-1999   Singapore.The Pagoda towering majestically above the trees in Singapore's Chinese Garden [Изоматериал] : [Открытка] / Distributed by A&T intern.(PTE) LTD
2007 United Nations. World Bank Judiciary-led reforms in Singapore : framework, strategies, and lessons / Waleed Haider Malik
2000   Traditional literature of ASEAN / general editor Haji Abdul Hakim Hj Mohd. Yassin
2006 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization National studies on assessing the economic contribution of the copyright-based industries
2011   The Istana [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / text by Leong Ching ; photographs by Peter Mealin
2001 United Nations. Research Institute for Social Development Corporate environmental responsibility in Singapore and Malaysia : The potential and limits of voluntary initiatives / Martin Perry, Sanjeev Singh
2011 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Transforming education : the power of ICT policies
2007 United Nations. World Intellectual Property Organization Technology transfer, intellectual property and effective university-industry partnerships : the experience of China, India, Japan, Philippines, the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Thailand
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