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   Запрос: a001s="BY-NLB-ar2852"
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Дата Автор Заглавие
1966 Riemschneider, Margarete Der Schwur des Espaini : ein Roman aus dem alten Urartu / Margarete Riemschneider
1994 Avagian, Grigor Armenia and Armenians in the world : foreigners call us Armenians and our country, Armenia; we call us hay and our motherland, Hayastan after the name of our forefather, Hayk Nahapet / Grigor Avagian
2006   Die blutige Spur des armenischen Terrorismus = Кровавый след армянского терроризма / veröffentlicht laut den Materialien des Staatlichen Komitees für Kriegsgefangenen, Geisel und Verschollenen im Auftrag vom Ministerium für Kultur und Tourismus der Republik Aserbaidschan
2010 Chirinian, Lévon Gh. 1918. L'Arménie en flammes et fin de la Première Guerre mondiale (La force militaire arménienne) / Lévon Gh. Chirinian ; Université arménienne pédagogique d'état Kh. Abovian ; Institut de philosophie, de sociologie et de droit de l'Académie nationale des sciences de la République d'Arménie
2012 Мкртчян, Армен Armenia : Republic of Armenia & Republic of Nagorno Karabakh : guide directory / Armen Mkrtchyan
2011   Armenia. Imprints of a civilization : [catalogue of the exhibition, Museo Correr, Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, Venice, 16 December 2011 ― 10 April 2012] / edited by Gabriella Uluhogian, Boghos Levon Zekiyan, Vartan Karapetian
2012   The eternity of writing [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [album-catalogue of the] exhibition on the occasion of the 500th anniversary of Armenian printing / [texts: Iveta Mkrtchyan [et al.] ; translations: Aida Frunjyan, Aida Charkchyan]
2010 Иманов, Камран Tall Armenian tales : a guide to the "art" of heritage thievery / Kamran Imanov
2012   Looted cultural heritage and destroyed libraries : victims of Armenian aggression / compiled by Latifa Mammadova, Samir Abbasov
1997   Ελληνισμός και Ανατολή : Αρμενία, Τουρκμενία, Βακτριανή, Ινδία / υπεύθυνος έκδοσυς: Ελευθερία Τράιου
2014 Ереванский государственный университет Materials of Conference devoted to 80th Anniversary of the Faculty of Law of the Yerevan State University / [editorial board: Gagik Ghazinyan, Armen Haykyants, Yeghishe Kirakosyan]
2012 Güçlü, Yücel The Holocaust and the Armenian case in comparative perspective / Yücel Güçlü
1999 United Nations. World Bank Improving social assistance in Armenia
2017 Прыгодзіч, Зіновій Кірылавіч (кандыдат філасофскіх навук ; пісьменнік ; нар. 1944) Далёкае-блізкае : кніга падарожжаў / Зіновій Прыгодзіч
2016 Ismaïlov, Faïg Damage to the historical and cultural monuments in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan / Faig Ismayilov ; Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Institute on Law and Human Rights ; International Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation ; National Commission of the Republic of Azerbaijan for UNESCO
2009   Local self-government reforms in Armenia (2007 and 2008) / edited by David Tumanyan ; Local Government and Public Service Reform Initiative ; Communities Finance Officers Association. — B. 3
2022   Historical and cultural heritage of Armenia [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [translated from Armenian] / [editor: Khachik A. Harutyunyan] ; Ministry of Education, Science, Culture, and Sports of the Republik of Armenia, Scientific Research Center of Historical and Cultural Heritage
2004 United Nations. World Bank Armenia : country assistance evaluation
2005 Оганесян, Николай Оганесович (доктор исторических наук ; род. 1930) The Armenian genocide / Nikolay Hovhannisyan ; [translated from Armenian by Svetlana Mardanyan ; National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, Institute of Oriental Studies]
2007   Armenia sacra : catalogue d'exposition Erévan, 2007
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