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   Запрос: a001s="BY-NLB-ar13273"
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Дата Автор Заглавие
2009 United Nations. World Bank An assessment of the investment climate in Kenya / Giuseppe Iarossi
2007 United Nations. World Bank Gender and economic growth in Kenya : unleashing the power of women / Amanda Ellis [et al.]
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций по вопросам образования, науки и культуры Curriculum development and education for living together = Developpement du curriculum et education pour vivre ensemble : Conceptual and managerial challenges in Africa: Final report of the seminar held in Nairobi, Kenya, 25-29 June 2001 / Ed.: John Aglo, Mankolo Lethoko ; Intern. Bureau of Education ; The Kenya Nat. Commiss. for UNESCO ; The UNESCO Nairobi Office
1997 Karmokolias, Yannis (нар. 1946) The business of education : a look at Kenya's private education sector / Yannis Karmokolias, Jacob van Lutsenburg Maas
1995 United Nations. World Bank Technological capabilities and learning in African enterprises / Tyler Biggs, Manju Shah and Pradeep Srivastava
2000 United Nations. World Bank Agricultural extension : the Kenya experience : an impact evaluation / Madhur Gautam
2005 United Nations Environment Programme Selection, design and implementation of economic instruments in the solid waste managament sector in Kenya : the case of plastic bags / United Nations Environment Programme
2007 United Nations. World Bank Social health insurance for developing nations / William C. Hsiao and R. Paul Shaw [et al.]
2009 United Nations. World Bank Working in health : financing and managing the public sector health workforce / Marko Vujicic, Kelechi Ohiri, Susan Sparkes
2006 Tomkinson, Michael Michael Tomkinson's Kenya [Выяўленчы матэрыял]
2005 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Investment policy review : Kenya
2000 Kwalanda, Miriam Die Farbe meines Gesichts : Lebensreise einer kenianischen Frau / Miriam Kwalanda, Birgit Theresa Koch
2006 United Nations. World Bank Climate variability and water resources degradation in Kenya : improving water resources development and management / Hezron Mogaka [et al.]
2010 United Nations. World Bank The global opportunity in IT-based services : assessing and enhancing country competitiveness / Randeep Sudan [et al.]
1945-1999   M'Kamba women [Изоматериал] : [Открытка] / Cop.by Sara Studio
2005 Организация Объединенных Наций. Научно-исследовательский институт социального развития Environmental movements in Sub-Saharan Africa : a political ecology of power and conflict / Cyril I.Obi
2002 Национальная коалиция Радуги (Кения) Democracy and empowerment : manifesto of the National Rainbow Coalition, November 2002
2005 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Voluntary peer review on competition policy : Kenya : overview
1945-1999 Sassi, Dino Samburu Tribesmen [Изоматериал] : [Открытка] / Фот.Д.Сасси
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