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Дата Автор Заглавие
1998   Koreans and Korean business interests in Central Europe & CIS countries / Editors Chung-Si Ahn, Tai-Hwan Kwon
2014   Беларусь у рэгіёне краін Усходняга партнёрства (1992—2012) : стратэгія міждзяржаўных дачыненняў. Палітычная і эканамічная роля ў рэгіёне / Інстытут палітычных даследаванняў "Палітычная сфера", Цэнтр еўрапейскай трансфармацыі ; [А. Казакевіч, А. Валодзькін, А. Філіпаў]
2017 Fedorowicz, Krzysztof (палітолаг) Transformacja ustrojowa w Armenii w latach 1991—2016 / Krzysztof Fedorowicz
2000 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe. Committee on Environmental Policy Environmental performance reviews : Armenia
2005 National Gallery of Armenia (Yerevan) Paravon Mirzoyan [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / National Gallery of Armenia ; [authors of articles: Ararat Aghasyan, Edmond Miansaryan, Levon Chugaszyan]
2017 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Country profiles on housing and land management : Republic of Armenia
2010 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Voluntary peer review of competition policy: Armenia : overview : report by the UNCTAD secretariat
1992 United Nations. World Bank Foreign direct investment in the states of the former USSR
2004 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe Country profiles on the housing sector : Armenia
2005 Alizada, Sevinj Die Europäische Union als politischer und wirtschaftlicher Akteur im Südkaukasus / Sevinj Alizada
2014 Казакевіч, Андрэй (палітолаг) Belarus in the region of the Eastern Partnership countries (1992―2012) : interstate relations strategy; political and economic role in the region / authors: Andrei Kazakevich, Andrei Valodzkin, Aliaksandr Filipau ; [translated from Belarusian by Andreï Bursaŭ] ; Political Sphere, Institute of Political Studies ; supported by Centre for European Transformation
1995 United Nations. World Bank Armenia : the challenge of reform in the agricultural sector
2006 United Nations. World Bank From crisis to stability in the Armenian power sector : lessons learned from Armenia's energy reform experience / Gevorg Sargsyan, Ani Balabanyan, Denzel Hankinson
2001 United Nations. World Bank Armenia : restructuring to sustain universal general education / Gillian Perkins, Ruslan Yemtsov
2000   National Library of Armenia : Guide / Text: Davit Sargsyan et al. ; Transl.: Sylva Natalie Manoogian
2007   The new Armenian medical journal : official publication of the Yerevan state medical university / The journal is founded by the Yerevan State Medical University after M. Heratsi
2002 United Nations. World Bank Growth challenges and government policies in Armenia
2017   Handbook for internationalisation / [contributing author: Michael Joris] ; [editors: Alexander Markarov, Bridget Middlemas, Alexander Rytov] ; PICASA (Promoting Internationalization of HEIs in Eastern Neighborhood Countries through Cultural and Structural Adaptations) ; co-funded by the Tempus Programme of the European Union
2012   Treasures of National library of Armenia [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / [compiler R. Ghazaryan]
1997 Council of Europe Transition to democracy : Constitutions of the New Independent States and Mongolia / Ed. : The Intern. Inst. for Democracy
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