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   Запрос: a001a="BY-SEK-ar9458569"
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Дата Автор Заглавие
1985 Gielerak, R. Vacuum energy density in ℘(φ)₂ theories. Independence of (nonclassical) boundary conditions : submitted to "Left. on Math. Phys." / R. Gielerak
1985 Gielerak, R. Strong uniqueness for the two- dimensional sine-Gordon model / R. Gielerak
1985 Gielerak, R. On the D-L-R equations in the Euclidean field theory and statistical mechanics. Statistical mechanics / R. Gielerak
1985 Gielerak, R. Uniqueness for some class of (nonferromagnetic) lattice systems of continuons spins : submitted to Acta Physica Polonica / R. Gielerak
1985 Gielerak, R. The Van Hove theorem for the two- dimensional sine-Gordon model / R. Gielerak
1985 Gielerak, R. General superstable classical gases. Van Hove Theorem : submitted to "Physica" / R. Gielerak
1985 Gielerak, R. On the D-L-R equations in the Euclidean field theory and statistical mechanism. Euclidean field theory / R. Gielerak
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