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Дата Автор Заглавие
1996   Dynamic spin susceptibility in the t-J model near to the localized limit / [Auth.]:V.Yu.Yushankhai,R.Hayn,D.Ihle
1994 Ришар, Ж. Л. Doping dependence of antiferromagnetism in copper oxides : An estimation of the Neel temperature based on the t-J model
1989 Plakida, N. M. On d-wave pairing in the single-band Hubbard model : E17-89-350
1997 Jackeli, G. Normal Fermi liquid behaviour of quasiholes in the spin-polaron model for copper oxides : submitted to "Physical Review B" / G. Jackeli, V. Yu. Yushankhai
1985 Юшанхай, Виктор Юлиевич (доктор физико-математических наук) On the magnetic-resonance lineshape in incommensurate systems in the multi-solition limit : E14-85-273
1988 Plakida, N. M. On the role of kinematic and exchange interactions in superconducting pairing of electrons in the Hubbard model : E17-88-749
1986 Юшанхай, Виктор Юлиевич (доктор физико-математических наук) On the observation of crossover critical behaviour in Ni μSR method : E14-86-294
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