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   Запрос: a001a="BY-SEK-ar14242724"
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1973 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) Addendum to the report of the economic and social council : resumed 53rd session
1972 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) Human rights in armed conflicts : Respect for human rights in armed conflicts : report of the Secretary-General : corrigendum
1973 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) Second to 31th reports on the budget estimates for the financial year 1973 / Advisory committee on administrative and budgetary questions
1973 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) Resolutions adopted by the General Assembly during its 27th session, 19 September - 19 December 1972
1972 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) World disarmament conference : report of the Secretary-General
1972 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) Implementation of the declaration on the strengthening of international security : report of the Secretary-General
1972 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) Administrative and budgetary co-ordination of the United Nations with the specialized agencies and the international atomic energy agency : report of the advisory committee on administrative and budgetary questions to the General Assembly at its 27th session
1973 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) Report of the international law commission on the work of its 24th session : 2 May - 7 July 1972
1972 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) Elimination of all forms of racial discrimination : International year for action to combat racism and racial discrimination : note by the Secretary-General
1972 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) Report of the special committee on the situation with regard to the implementation of the declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples : (covering its work during 1972) : Chapter V / rapporteur: Mohammad Hakim Aryubi
1972 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) Report of the committee on the peaceful uses of the sea-bed and the ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction : Vol. VI : Supplement No. 21 (A/8721)
1973 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) Report of the trade and development board : 22 September 1971 - 25 October 1972
1972 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) Report of the special committee on the situation with regard to the implementation of the declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples : (covering its work during 1972) : Chapters XV-XXI / rapporteur: Mohammad Hakim Aryubi
1972 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) General and complete disarmament chemical and bacteriological (biological) weapons urgent need for suspension of nuclear and thermonuclear tests : report of the conference of the committee on disarmament
1972 United Nations. General assembly. Session (27) Human rights in armed conflicts : Respect for human rights in armed conflicts : report of the Secretary-General
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