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1973 United Nations. Economic and social council. Session (54) Resolutions / Economic and social council
1973 United Nations. Economic and social council. Session (54) Committee for programme and co-ordination : report on the 13th session, 11 January and 2 to 12 April 1973
1973 United Nations. Economic and social council. Session (54) Co-ordination committee : Vol. II : summary records of the four hundred and seventy-second to four hundred and seventy-ninth meetings, held at Headquarters, New York, from 4 to 16 May 1973
1973 United Nations. Economic and social council. Session (54) Economic committee : Vol. I : summary records of the five hundred and ninety-seventh to six hundred and tenth meetings, held at Headquarters, New York, from 17 to 30 April 1973
1973 United Nations. Economic and social council. Session (54) Co-ordination committee : Vol. I : summary records of the four hundred and sixty-second to four hundred and seventy-first meetings, held at Headquarters, New York, from 19 April to 3 May 1973
1973 United Nations. Economic and social council. Session (54) Economic committee : Vol. III : summary records of the six hundred and twenty-third to six hundred and thirty-third meetings, held at Headquarters, New York, from 10 to 17 May 1973
1973 United Nations. Economic and social council. Session (54) Committee on natural resources : report on the 3rd session (6-17 February 1973)
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