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1992 Илиев, Б. З. Special bases for derivations of tensor algebras. I. Cases in a neighborhood and at a point
1993 Илиев, Б. З. Linear transports along paths in vector bundles. 2.Some applications
1993 Илиев, Б. З. Linear transports along paths in vector bundles. 1.General theory
1997 Илиев, Б. З. Linear transports along paths in vector bundles.5.Properties of curvature and torsion
1993 Илиев, Б. З. Linear transports along paths in vector bundles. 3.Curvature and torsion ; 15r
1995 Илиев, Б. З. Centre of mass in spaces with torsion free flat linear connection
1994 Илиев, Б. З. Linear transports along paths in vector bundles. 4.Consistency with bundle metrics
1992 Илиев, Б. З. Special bases for derivations of tensor algebras. II. Case along paths / B. Z. Iliev
1992 Илиев, Б. З. Flat linear connections in terms of flat linear transports in tensor bundles
1994 Илиев, Б. З. Relative mechanical quantities in spaces with a transport along paths
1994 Илиев, Б. З. Transports along paths in fibre bundles. 3.Consistency with bundle morphisms
1990 Илиев, Б. З. Об уравнениях девиации первого порядка и некоторые связанные с ними величинами = On the First Order Deviation Equations and Some Quantities Connected With Them
1995 Илиев, Б. З. Generalized Doppler effect in spaces with a transport along paths
1994 Илиев, Б. З. First order deviation equations in spaces with a transport along paths
1997 Илиев, Б. З. Transports along maps in fibre bundles
1992 Илиев, Б. З. Consistency between metrics and linear transports along curves
???? Илиев, Б. З. Transports along paths in fibre bundles : General theory
1994 Илиев, Б. З. Transports along paths in fibre bundles. 2.Ties with the theory of connections and parallel transports
1994 Илиев, Б. З. Deviation equations in spaces with a transport along paths / B. Z. Iliev
1992 Илиев, Б. З. Special bases for derivations of tensor algebras. III. Case along smooth maps with separable points of selfintersection
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