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2010 Шруб, Максім Паўлавіч (кандыдат юрыдычных навук ; нар. 1979) Compensation for trafficked persons in the Republic of Belarus / [M. Shrub, G. Tyurina, T. Naumovich ; under general edition of Shrub M. P.] ; Royal Danish Ministry of Foreing Affairs, International La Strada Association, Young Women's Christian Association of Belarus, p.o
1931   Dänemark, 1931 / von dem Königlichen Dänischen Ministerium des Äussern und dem Staatlichen Statistischen Departement herausgegeben
1998 European Communities. European Commission 50 days to prevent the climate crisis! : a series of seminars organised by Germanwatch and GLOBE EU within the framework of : The Climate Change Event - Targeting Kyoto and Beyond, The German Bundestag, Bonn, October 16 and 17, 1997 : proceedings : a series of special events organized at the October Sessions of the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies / The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark ; The Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt ; GLOBE EU ; Germanwatch ; The German Bundestag ; United Nations, Framework Convention on Climate Change
1996 United Nations. World Bank Partnership for governance : public participation, decentralization, and integrity : proceedings from a conference co-sponsored by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Economic Development Institute of the World Bank, Copenhagen, Denmark, May 31, 1996
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