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2000 Council of Europe Social identity and the European dimension: Intercultural competence through foreign language learning / Comp., ed.: Michael Byram, Manuel Tost Planet ; Europ. Centre for Modern Lang., Modern Lang. Div
2001 European Communities. European Commission Living together : living together in Europe in the 21st century: the challenge of plurilingual and multicultural communication and dialogue : proceedings of the 3rd Colloquy of the European Centre for Modern Languages, Graz (Austria), 9―11 December 1998 = Vivre ensemble : vivre ensemble en Europe au XX-e siècle: le défi de la communication et du dialogue plurilingues et multiculturels : actes du 3-me colloque du Centre européen pour les langues vivantes, Graz (Autriche), 9―11 décembre 1998
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