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2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 1: A to Aristotle
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 10: Glinka to Harp
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 21: Recitative to Russian Federation, $ 1
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 22: Russian Federation, $ 2 to Scotland
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 26: Twelve-note to Wagner tuba
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell
2004   The Billboard illustrated encyclopedia of opera / general editor: Stanley Sadie ; foreword by Philip Langridge
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 20: Pohlman to Recital
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 25: Taiwan to Twelve Apostles
2007   Музыкальный словарь Гроува / перевод с английского, редакция и дополнения Л. О. Акопяна
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 9: Florence to Gligo
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 11: Harpege to Hutton
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 15: Liturgy to Martinu
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 29: Index / [Comp.]: M.Levy
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 2: Aristoxenus to Bax
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 5: Canon to Classic rock
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 17: Monnet to Nirvana
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 18: Nisard to Palestrina
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 3: Baxter to Borosini
2001   The new Grove dictionary of music and musicians : In 29 vol. / Ed.: S.Sadie ; Executive ed.: J.Tyrrell. — Vol. 4: Borowski to Canobbio
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