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2009 Ojala, Carl-Gösta Sámi prehistories : the politics of archaeology and identity in Northernmost Europe : [dissertation for the degree of doctor of philоsophy] / Carl-Gösta Ojala
1993   National atlas of Sweden : A geogr. description of the landscape, soc. a. culture of Sweden in 17 vol. / Ed.: L.Wastenson et al. ; Dep. of Social and Econ. Geography, Uppsala Univ. — [Vol. 8]: Cultural life, recreation and tourism / Spec. ed.: H.Aldskogius ; Transl.: M.Knight
2007 Trypućko, Józef (1910—1983) The catalogue of the book collection of the Jesuit College in Braniewo held in the University Library in Uppsala = Katalog księgozbioru Kolegium Jezuitów w Braniewie zachowanego w Bibliotece Uniwersyteckiej w Uppsali / Józef Trypućko ; extended and completed by Michał Spandowski ; edited by Michał Spandowski, Sławomir Szyller ; Uppsala Universitetbibliotek ; Biblioteka Narodowa ; [translation into english: Katarzyna Diehl]
2013 Borg Jansson, Dominika Harmonizing national laws on human trafficking by implementing article 3 of the Palermo Protocol : problems and reform : [dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Laws at Uppsala University] / Dominika Borg Jansson
2009 Green, Carina Managing Laponia : a world heritage as arena for Sami ethno-politics in Sweden : [dissertation] / Carina Green
2010 Olsson Blandy, Tanja The Europeanisation of gender equality : the unexpected case of Sweden : [dissertation] / Tanja Olsson Blandy
2010   Geotourism highlights of the Estonian small islands / [compiled by: Elle Puurmann [et al.] ; translation into English: Saima Peetermann, Heikki Bauert] ; NGO GEOGuide Baltoscandia ; Uppsala University, Department of Earth Sciences
2015 Nilsson, Niklas Beacon of liberty : role conceptions, crises and stability in Georgia's foreign policy, 2004—2012 : [dissertation for the degree of doctor of philosophy] / Niklas Nilsson
1996 Хокансон, Ларс Физическая география Балтики : [перевод с английского] / Ларс Хокансон ; Упсальский университет
1996 Heldt, Birger Public dissatisfaction and the conflict behavior of states : A theory reconstruction with an empirical application: Diss. / Birger Heldt
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