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   Запрос: a001a="BY-SEK-440803"
   Записи: 1 - 11 из 11 (стр. 1 из 1)

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Дата Автор Заглавие
1990 Council of Europe Recent demographic developments in the member states of the Council of Europe : Country rep. / Prep. by the members of the Europ. Population Comm
1990 Council of Europe Recent demographic developments in the member states of the Council of Europe and in Yugoslavia : Country rep. by the members of the Europ. Population Comm
1996 Council of Europe Recent demographic developments in Europe, 1996 / [Prep.: European Population Committee ; Introd.: Kavel Katus]
2000 Council of Europe Recent demographic developments in Europe, 2000 / [Prep.: European Population Committee ; Introd.: Gerard Calot]
1999 Council of Europe Recent demographic developments in Europe, 1999 / [Prep.: European Population Committee ; Introd.: Reno Camilleri]
1994 Council of Europe Recent demographic developments in Europe, 1994 / [Prep.: European Population Committee ; Introd.: Zdenek Pavlik]
1994 Council of Europe Recent demographic developments in Europe, 1993 / [Prep.: European Population Committee ; Introd.: David L.Pearce]
2000 Council of Europe Recent demographic developments in Europe, 2000 / [Prep.: European Population Committee ; Introd.: Gerard Calot]
1991 Council of Europe Recent demographic developments in Europe, 1991 / [Prep.: European Population Committee ; Introd.: Werner Haug]
1993 Council of Europe Recent demographic developments in Europe and North America, 1992 / [Prep.: European Population Committee ; Introd.: Werner Haug]
1998 Council of Europe Recent demographic developments in Europe, 1998 / [Prep.: European Population Committee ; Introd.: David Pearce]
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