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2001   Economy and business. Guide to Belarus : The most comprehensive inform. package about Belarus for business and travelling / Min. of Foreign Affairs of the Rep. of Belarus, Inform. a. Advertising Co. "Askonto" ; Ed.: A.Gerasimenko, V.Pavlovets ; Text: P.Latushko et al. ; Transl.: N.Kirej
2000   Economy, business, tourism. Guide to Belarus, 2000 : The most comprehensive inform. package about Belarus for business and traveling / Min. of Foreign Affairs of the Rep. of Belarus, Inform. a. Advertising Co. "Askonto" ; Ed.: V.Velicko, K.Plugachev ; Text: N.Borisevich et al. ; Transl.: N.Kirei
1999   Guide to Belarus'99 : Economy, business, tourism / Min. of Foreign Affairs, Inform. a. Advertising Company "Askonto", Goscomzem ; Ed. : V. Velichko (chairman), K. Plugachev ; Text : B. Makeichenko et al. ; Transl. : N. Kirei
1998   Business & tourist guide to Belarus'98 / Min. of Foreign Econ. Relations of the Republic of Belarus, Inform. a. advertising enterprise "Asconto" ; Ed. : M. Marinich (chairman), K. Plugachev ; Text: V. Rudenkov et al. ; Transl. : N. Kirei
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