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2003 United Nations. Office for Outer Space Affairs Highlights in space, 2002 : progress in space science, technology and applications, international cooperation and space law / Prepared in cooperation with the International Astronautical Federation, the Committee on Space Research and the International Institute of Space Law
2000 United Nations. Office for Outer Space Affairs Highlights in Space, 1999 : Progress in space science, technology and applications, international cooperation and space law / Prep. in coop. with the Intern. Astronautical Federation, the Comm. on Space Research, the Intern. Inst. of Space Law
2002 United Nations. Office for Outer Space Affairs Highlights in space, 2001 : Progress in space science, technology and applications, intern. coop. and space law / Prep. in coop. with the Intern. Astronautical Federation, the Comm. on Space Research, the Intern. Inst. of Space Law
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