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1996 Council of Europe Assistance to victims and prevention of victimisation : Recommendation No. R (87) 21 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 17 Sept. 1987 and explanatory memorandum
1998 Council of Europe Guidelines on the application of the safe third country concept : Recommendation N R (97) 22 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 25 Nov. 1997 and explanatory memorandum
1984 Council of Europe Protection of persons satisfying the criteria in the Geneva Convention who are not formally recognised as refugees : Recommendation No. R (84) 1 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 25 Jan. 1984 and Explanatory memorandum
1983 Council of Europe Measures to be taken in cases of kidnapping followed by a ransom demand : Recommendation No. R (82) 14 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 24 Sept. 1982 and Explanatory memorandum
1985 Council of Europe Public liability : Recommendation No. R (84) 15 adopted by the Comm. of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 18 Sept. 1984 and Explanatory memorandum
1990 Council of Europe Provisional court protection in administrative matters : Recommendation No. R (89) 8 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 13 Sept. 1989 and explanatory memorandum
1999 Council of Europe Staff concerned with the implementation of sanctions and measures : Recommendation No. R (97) 12, adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 10 Sept. 1997, and explanatory memorandum
1995 Council of Europe Nationality of spouses of different nationalities and nationality of children born in wedlock : Resolutions (77) 12 and (77) 13 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 27 May 1977 and explanatory memorandum
1998 Council of Europe The protection of personal data collected and processed for statistical purposes : Recommendation No. R (97)18 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 30 Sept. 1997 and explanatory memorandum
1985 Council of Europe The use of satellite capacity for television and sound radio : Recommendation No. R (84) 22 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 7 December 1984 and Explanatory memorandum
1985 Council of Europe Equality between women and men in the media : Recommendation No. R (84) 17 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 25 Sept. 1984 and Explanatory memorandum
1995 Council of Europe Equality of spouses in civil law : Resolution (78) 37 adopted by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 27 Sept. 1978 and explanatory memorandum
1978 Council of Europe Harmonisation of legislations of member states relating to removal, grafting and transplantation of human substances : Resolution (78) 29 adopted by the Comm. of Ministers of the Council of Europe on 11 May 1978 and Explanatory memorandum
1994 Council of Europe Teaching, research and training in the field of law and information technology : Recommendation No. R (92) 15 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 19 Oct. 1992 and explanatory memorandum
1992 Council of Europe Arbitral tribunals under the laundering convention : Setting up and functioning of arbitral tribunals under Art. 42, paragraph 2, of the Convention on Laundering, Search, Seizure and Confiscation of the Proceeds from Crime : Recommendation No. R (91) 12 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 9 Sept. 1991 and explanatory memorandum
1984 Council of Europe Principles of civil procedure designed to improve the functioning of justice : Recommendation No. R (84) 5 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 28 Febr. 1984 and Explanatory memorandum
1993 Council of Europe Emergency measures in family matters : Recommendation No. R (91) 9 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 9 Sept. 1991 and explanatory memorandum
1995 Council of Europe Protection of personal data used for the purposes of direct marketing : Recommendation No. R (85) 20 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 25 Oct. 1985 and explanatory memorandum
1995 Council of Europe Principles aimed at promoting the distribution and broadcasting of audiovisual works originating in countries or regions with a low audiovisual output or a limited geographic or linguistic coverage on the European television markets : Recommendation No. R(93) 5 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 13 Apr. 1993 and explanatory memorandum
1993 Council of Europe The use of analysis of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) within the framework of the criminal justice system : Recommendation No. R(92) 1 adopted by the Comm. of Min. of the Council of Europe on 10 Febr. 1992 and explanatory memorandum
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