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   Запрос: a001a="BY-RLST-ar444964"
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Дата Автор Заглавие
2008 National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland Annual Report, 2007 / National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
2007 National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland Annual Report, 2006 / National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
2002 National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland Annual Report, 2001 / National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
2009 National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland Annual Report, 2008 / National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
2003 National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland Annual Report, 2002 / National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
1997 National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland Annual Report, 1996 / National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
2001 National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland Annual Report, 2000 / National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
1999 National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland Annual Report, 1998 / National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
2005 National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland Annual Report, 2004
2010 National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland Annual Report, 2009 / National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
2004 National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland Annual Report, 2003 / National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
1998 National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland Annual Report, 1997 / National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
2006   National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland, 2005
2000 National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland Annual Report, 1999 / National Board of Patents and Registration of Finland
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