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Дата Автор Заглавие
2015   Azerbaijan : information for tourists [to the] 1st European Games, 12―28 June 2015, Baku / project coordinator: Togrul Efendiyev
2015   Azerbaijani literature [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [catalogue to the] 1st European Games, 12―28 June 2015, Baku / [author and project management: Shamil Sadig] ; Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan
2015   Das Land des Feuers [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : die Reisen durch Aserbaidschan : [information for tourists to the 1st European Games, 12―28 June 2015, Baku]
2015   Baku [Карты] : city plan [to the] 1st European Games, 12―28 June 2015, Baku
2015   Deutsche in Aserbaidschan : [booklet to the] 1st European Games, 12―28 June 2015, Baku / [Text: Rauf Gusseynow, Taira Aliyewa] ; [Übersetzung: Elena Sander, Polina Fix] ; Ministerium für Kultur und Tourismus der Republik Aserbaidschan
2015   Hotels of Azerbaijan = Отели Азербайджана : [catalogue to the] 1st European Games, 12―28 June 2015, Baku / Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan
2015   Беларусь на I Еўрапейскіх гульнях у Баку — 2015 = Belarus at the 1st European games in Baku ― 2015 : [даведнік / складальнікі: Н. Марыніна і інш.]
2015   Azerbaijan carpets [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : [booklet to the] 1st European Games, 12―28 June 2015, Baku / [text: Togrul Efendiyev] ; Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan
2015   Sun & beach in Azerbaijan : information for tourists to the 1st European Games, 12―28 June 2015, Baku
2015   Baku : museums, reserves, galleries : a tourist guide [to the] 1st European Games, 12―28 June 2015, Baku / [editor: Leyla Rahmanova] ; [text: Emil Eyubov] ; [translation: Zachary Beadle] ; Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan
2015   Baku : theatres, cinemas, concert halls : a tourist guide [to the] 1st European Games, 12―28 June 2015, Baku / [text: Emil Eyubov] ; [editor: Flora Naji] ; [translation: Zachary Beadle] ; Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan
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