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   Запрос: a001a="BY-NLB-ar74184"
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2005 Асацыяцыя дзяржаў Паўднёва-усходняй Азіі Science and technology competitiveness indicators in ASEAN / [projekt manager: Yong Soo Kwon] ; ASEAN Sub-committee on Science and Technology Infrastructure and Resources Development ; The Science and Technology Policy Institute of Korea ; Project on Development of Technology Competitiveness Indicators
2005 Асацыяцыя дзяржаў Паўднёва-усходняй Азіі Growing with nature ― ASEAN's environmental challenges [Выяўленчы матэрыял] : ASEAN-COCI Photo Competition and Exhibition, 5 February ― 27 March 2005 / National Art Gallery Malaysia
2007 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Proceedings of the ASEAN-UNESCO Concept Workshop on Human Security in South-East Asia, 25―27 October 2006, Jakarta, Indonesia
1987 United Nations. International Labour Organization Labour protective laws in ASEAN : a collection of current laws in the six ASEAN states / published under the auspices of the joint ILO/UNDP/ASEAN Programme of Industrial Relations for Development
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