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1907 Orléans, Louis Philippe Robert d' (герцаг Арлеанскі ; 1869—1926) Croisière océanographique accomplie à bord de la Belgica dans la Mer du Grönland, 1905 : [résultats scientifiques] / Duc d'Orléans
1900 Churchill, Winston (дзяржаўны дзеяч ; 1874—1965) London to Ladysmith via Pretoria / by Winston Spencer Churchill
1874   A Brief Chronological Description of a collection of original drawings and sketches, by the most celebrated masters of the different schools of Europe, from the Revival of Art in Italy in the XIIIth to the middle of the XIXth Century; formed by and belonging to the late Mr. Mayor / preface by W. Mayor, Edgar J. Mayor
1892 Orléans, Louis Philippe Robert d' (герцаг Арлеанскі ; 1869—1926) [Une expedition de chasse au Népaul / Duc d'Orléans]
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