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2018 Аб'яднаны інстытут машынабудавання (Мінск) Catalogue of products and services
2019 Аб'яднаны інстытут машынабудавання (Мінск) Catalog of products and services
2024 Аб'яднаны інстытут машынабудавання (Мінск) Catalog of innovative developments and services
2011 Белорусский республиканский компьютерный центр машиностроительного профиля (Минск) Republican Computer Center of Mechanical Engineering of the State Scientific Institution "The Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" : design, simulation, engineering, virtual testing
2018 Аб'яднаны інстытут машынабудавання (Мінск) Advertising brochure
2014 Ганавати, Бижан Хамдоллах (материаловедение) Structure, phase state and properties of the electrodeposited coatings based on nickel, cobalt and chromium modified with non-metallic additives : dissertation for degree of Doctor of Philosophy : specialty 01.04.07 Condensed matter physics / Ghanavati Bijan Hamdollah ; scientific supervisor: Kukareko V. A. ; State Scientific Institution "Joint Institute of Mechanical Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
2019 Аб'яднаны інстытут машынабудавання (Мінск) Advertising brochure
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