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2000   "Lasers and their Applications", Belarusian-German seminar, Sept. 5-9, 2000, Grodno : Technical program & abstracts / Ed. : V. P. Kutavichus ; B. I. Stepanov Inst. of Physics of the Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Belaru, Yanka Kupala State Univ. of Grodno
2001   Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems : Fractals, chaos, phase transitions, self-organization: Proc. of the Tenth Annual Seminar NPCS'2001, 15-18 May 2001, Minsk / B.I.Stepanov Inst. of Physics. Acad. of Sciences of Belarus, Belarusian State Univ., Joint Inst. of Nuclear Research etc. ; Ed.: L.Babichev, V.Kuvshinov
1999 Богуш, Андрэй Аляксандравіч (доктар фізіка-матэматычных навук ; 1925—2009) Finite physical symmetry transformations and their applications : To the 40-th anniversary of the Fedorov's vector parametrization
2000 International Conference on Quantum Optics'2000.Seminar on quantum optics ( 7; Minsk; 2000 ) Programme book of abstracts / B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics NASB ; Minsk ; 2000
2004 International Conference on Quantum Optics (10 ; 2004 ; Минск) X International Conference on Quantum Optics`2004, 30 May - 3 June 2004, Minsk : Programme. Book of abstracts / [Ed.]: S.Ya.Kilin, V.N.Shatokhin ; Minsk. ; 2004 ; Nat. Acad. of Sciences of Rep. of Belarus. B.I.Stepanov Inst. of Physics ; Belarus Basic Research Foundation
2001 International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics (17;2001;Minsk) Proceedings of the ISTC Section, June 27, 2001 : XVII International Conference on Coherent and Nonlinear Optics / под редакцией Л. Н. Орлова
1992   Rapid communication on theoretical physics = Краткие сообщения по теоретической физике / [authors: A. O. Barut [et al.]
1994 Ляўчук, Міхаіл Іванавіч (доктар фізіка-матэматычных навук ; нар. 1956) On nonrelativistic versions of the Bonn OBE-potential / M. I. Levchuk
2000 Богуш, Андрэй Аляксандравіч (доктар фізіка-матэматычных навук ; 1925—2009) On participation of Belarusian physicists in ATLAS collaboration : History and summary of results : Report on Workshop "Belarus-CERN", Minsk, 27 Sept. 1999
1990 Ляўчук, Міхаіл Іванавіч (доктар фізіка-матэматычных навук ; нар. 1956) On the deuteron photodisintegration in a diagrammatical approach / M. I. Levchook
2015 International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information (14 ; 2015 ; Минск) XIV International Conference on Quantum Optics and Quantum Information, Minsk, October 27—30, 2015 : programme and book of abstracts / conference chairs: Sergei Kilin, Dmitry Horoshko ; conference scientific secretary: Alexander Mikhalychev ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Belarussian Physical Society, B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics
2022 "Физика плазмы и плазменные технологии", международная конференция (10 ; 2022 ; Минск) X International Conference "Plasma physics and plasma technology" (PPPT-10), Minsk, Belarus, September 12―16, 2022 : contributed papers / [editors: N. V. Tarasenko [et al.] ; The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Sciences
2014 Сари, Амир Хоссейн Мохаммад Али (физик ; род. 1974) Modification and alloying of silicon and steel surfaces by compression plasma flows and ion beams : dissertation for the gegree of Doctor of Philosophy in Physics : specialty 01.04.08 Plasma physics / Sari Amir Hossein Mohammad Ali ; supervisor: Astashinsky V. M. ; State Scientific Institution "B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
2005   Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems : fractals, chaos, phase transitions, self-organization : proceedings of the twelfth annual seminar NPCS'2005, May 17-20, 2005, Minsk, Belarus / edited by L.Babichev & V.Kuvshinov ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Joint Institute of Power and Nuclear Research - "Sosny", B.I.Stepanov Institute of Physics ; Belarusian State University ; Joint Institute of Nuclear Research ; National Centre of Particle and High Energy Physics ; Consulting Centre for International Scientific Collaboration
2004   Properties of Raman Stokes light generated by a zero-order Bessel pump beam / N. A. Khilo [et al.]
2011 "Spins & Photonic Beams at Interface", international conference (2011 ; Минск) International Conference "Spins & Photonic Beams at Interface" (SPBI'2011), September 25―26, 2011, Minsk, Belarus : in the framework of Fedorov Memorial Symposium : book of abstracts and programme / [editor: Sergei Ya. Kilin] ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics ; Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus ; SO "Belarussian Physical Society" ; Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research
2014 "Optics of crystals", міжнародная навуковая канферэнцыя (2 ; 2014 ; Мазыр) International Scientific Conference "Optics of crystals", Mozyr, Belarus, 23―26 September 2014 : proceedings / [international organizing committee: V. V. Shepelevich (chairman) [et al.] ; Ministry of Education of Belarus ; Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research ; The Belarusian Physical Society ; Rozhdestvensky Optical Society, Belarusian Chapter ; B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus ; Belarusian State University ; Francisk Skorina Gomel State University ; I. P. Shamyakin Mozyr State Pedagogical University ; Gomel Oblast Executive Committee ; Mozyr Regional Executive Committee
1995 Богуш, Андрэй Аляксандравіч (доктар фізіка-матэматычных навук ; 1925—2009) Фізіка і фізікі Беларусі. Справы і людзі Інстытута фізікі імя Б. І. Сцяпанава / А. А. Богуш
2021 Ажиб, Юзеф Халим (физик) Spectroscopy of NH-tautomeric and acid-base equilibria of the free base corroles : abstract of dissertation for a scientific degree candidate of physical and mathematical sciences : specialty 01.04.05 Optics / Ajeeb Yousef Halim ; scientific adviser: Kruk Mikalai Mikalaevich ; The State Scientific Institution "B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
2000   Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems : Fractals, chaos, phase transitions, self-organization : Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Seminar NPCS'2000 / Ed.: L.Babichev, V.Kuvshinov ; B.I.Stepanov Inst. of Physics, Acad. of Sciences of Belarus, Belorusian State Univ., Joint Inst. of Nuclear Research etc
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