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Дата Автор Заглавие
2000 United Nations. Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention Demand reduction : A glossary of terms / Prep.: United Nations Intern. Drug Control Programme (UNDCP) ; in consultation with the Commonwealth of Health and Aged Care, Australia
2002 United Nations. Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention Lessons learned in drug abuse prevention : A global review
2001 United Nations. Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention. Centre for International Crime Prevention Forum on crime and society / Ed.: Pino Arlacchi et al. — Vol. 1, N. 1
2001 Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. United Nations Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention Bishkek International Conference on Enhancing Security and Stability in Central Asia: Strengthening Comprehensive Efforts to Counter Terrorism, 13/14 Dec. 2001, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic = Бишкекская Международная Конференция на тему "Укрепление безопасности и стабильности в Центральной Азии: наращивание всесторонних усилий по противодействию терроризму" : Summary report
2001 United Nations. Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention Russian capitalism and money-laundering : Global Programme against Money Laundering / Dolgor Solongo
2001 United Nations. Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention Global illicit drug trends, 2001
2001 ООН. Объединенная программа ООН по ВИЧ/СПИДу. Управление ООН по контролю над наркотиками и предупреждению преступности Злоупотребление наркотиками и ВИЧ/СПИД: Извлеченные уроки : Сб. темат. исслед.: Центр. и Вост. Европа и государтсва Центр. Азии
2002 United Nations. Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention. Centre for International Crime Prevention United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and the protocols thereto
2000 United Nations. Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention Crime and justice: Meeting the challenges of the 21st century : Tenth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, Vienna, 10-17 Apr. 2000: Guide for participants
2001 United Nations. Office for Drug Control and Crime Prevention. Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS Drug abuse and HIV/AIDS: lessons learned : Case studies booklet: Central and Eastern Europe and the Central Asian states
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