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Дата Автор Заглавие
2006 United Nations Development Programme На пути к гендерному равенству в Республике Беларусь : информационный буклет : словарь основных понятий, список общественных объединений / ООН. Программа развития Организации Объединенных Наций
1999 United Nations Development Programme Belarus : past and future : National human development report'99 / Ed. : Nadezhda Kupchenya, Olga Beliaevskaya ; Transl. : Alexander Piskounov
2003 United Nations Development Programme Country evaluation: Assessment of development results : Vietnam / Evaluation Office. — Vol. 1: Main report
1999 United Nations Development Programme Latvia human development report, 1999 / [Auth.]: Roberts Kilis, Evita Lune, Dace Jansone et al. ; Ed.: Talis Tisenkopfs ; Forew.: Jan Sand Sorensen ; Transl.: Ieva Siliniece
2010 United Nations Development Programme Vietnam's infrastructure constraints / Nguyen Xuan Thanh
2010 United Nations Development Programme Getting to work : research topic : labour market, employment, and urbanization in Vietnam to 2020: learning from international experiences / Ian Coxhead [et al.] ; The Asia Foundation ; Ministry of Planning & Investment
2006 United Nations Development Programme CORE, 2005 : сотрудничество для реабилитации условий жизни в пострадавших от Чернобыльской катастрофы районах Беларуси / публикация выпущена при финансовом, организационном и техническом содействии Проекта поддержки Программы "Сотрудничество для реабилитации" (CORE), осуществляемого Программой развития ООН, Швейцарским управлением по развитию и сотрудничеству, Комитетом по проблемам катастрофы на Чернобыльской АЭС при Совете министров Республики Беларусь ; ООН. Программа развития Организации Объединенных Наций. ; Представительство ООН/ПРООН в Республике Беларусь
2008 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Mainstreaming gender into trade and development strategies : the case of East Africa / United Nations Development Programme
1995 United Nations. World Bank The land market assessment : a new tool for urban management / David E. Dowall ; United Nations Development Programme ; United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)
2000 United Nations. World Bank World resources, 2000―2001 : people and ecosystems : the fraying web of life / United Nations Development Programme ; United Nations Environment Programme ; World Resources Institute
2008 European Communities. European Commission BUMAD Project, 2003―2008 : Project of the European Union and the United Nations Development Programme "Programme of Assistance for the Prevention of Drug Abuse and Drug Trafficking in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova (BUMAD)"
2005 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO Coupons Programme : buy educational & scientific materials from anywhere in the world / United Nations Development Programme
2002 Организация Объединенных Наций. Экономическая и социальная комиссия для Западной Азии Women and men in Yemen : A statist. portrait / United Nations Development Programme
2002 United Nations. Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean Meeting the millennium poverty reduction targets in Latin America and the Caribbean / UN Development Programme ; Inst. de Pesquisa Econ. Aplicada
2002 United Nations General Assembly. Session (57). United Nations Development Programme : Financial report and audited financial statements for the biennium ended 31 December 2001 and Report of the Board of Auditors
2009 United Nations. Economic Commission for Europe River basin commissions and other institutions for transboundary water cooperation / United Nations Development Programme ; Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
2007 United Nations Environment Programme Environment and security. Transforming risks into cooperation : the case of Eastern Europe: Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine / editorial and project manager: Nickolai Denisov ; United Nations Development Programme ; United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ; Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe ; Regional Environmental Centre for Central and Eastern Europe ; North Atlantic Treaty Organisation
2015   Национальный отчет о человеческом развитии в Республике Беларусь, 2015 : конкурентные преимущества регионов Беларуси : резюме / UNDP
2015   National human development report, 2015 : regional competitiveness in the Republic of Belarus : executive summary / UNDP
1998 United Nations. World Bank World resources, 1998—1999 : [a guide to the global environment] : [environmental change and human health] / The World Resources Institute ; The United Nations Environment Programme ; The United Nations Development Programme
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