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1983 International Biosphere Reserve Congress (1 ; 1983 ; Minsk) UNESCO Programme on Man and the Biosphere (MAB) in the Byelorussian SSR : proceedings of the First International Biosphere Reserve Congress, 1983, Minsk / Academy of Sciences of the Byelorussian SSR ; Byelorussian National Committee for the UNESCO Programme on Man and the Biosphere
2008 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Teaching resource kit for dryland countries : a creative approach to environmental education : teacher's manual / Man and the Biosphere Programme
2017 "Человек и биосфера", международная программа ЮНЕСКО Новая дорожная карта для программы "Человек и биосфера" (МАБ) и ее Всемирной сети биосферных резерватов : стратегия МАБ на 2015―2025 гг. Лимский план действий (2016―2025 гг.). Лимская декларация
2012 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 24th session of the International Co-ordinating Council of the Man and the Biosphere Programme, UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, Room XII (Fontenoy), 9―13 Juli 2012
2018 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization World Network of Biosphere Reserves, 2018―2019 [Карты] = Réseau mondial des réserves de biosphère, 2018―2019 = Red Mundial de Reservas de Biosfera, 2018―2019 = Weltnetz der Biosphärenreservate, 2018―2019 : 686 UNESCO biosphere reserves, 122 countries / Man and the Biosphere Programme
2016 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization 40 years working with biosphere reserves in lberoMAB [Карты] : year of nomination and geographical distribution of the BR in the Regional Network of lberoMAB (2015―2016)
2018 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Man and the Biosphere Programme biennial activity report, 2016—2017
2003   Стратегии сохранения и использования водных ресурсов и биологического разнообразия в Полесье : международный семинар, Пинск, Беларусь, 29―31 мая, 2003 : материалы семинара
2010 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization A teaching resource kit for mountain countries : a creative approach to environmental education : teacher's manual / Man and the Biosphere Programme
2008 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Madrid Action Plan for Biosphere Reserves (2008—2013) / Man and the Biosphere Programme
2017 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization A New Roadmap for the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme and its World Network of Biosphere Reserves : MAB Strategy (2015—2025), Lima Action Plan (2016—2025), Lima Declaration
2009 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Red Mundial de Reservas de Biosfera, 2009 [Карты] = World Network of Biosphere Reserves, 2009 = Réseau mondial des réserves de biosphère, 2009 / Man and the Biosphere Programme
2009   West Polesie ― 3-National Biosphere Reserve on Eastern Boundary of European Union [Карты] : UNESCO-JFIT 2006―2008 Project "Establishment of a transboundary biosphere reserve and a regional ecological network in Polesie" / authors: Cezary Korkosz [et al.] ; edition: Alicja Breymeyer ; UNESCO-MAB National Committee of Poland ; Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization
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