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   Запрос: a001a="BY-NLB-ar1729680"
   Записи: 1 - 12 из 12 (стр. 1 из 1)

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Дата Автор Заглавие
2012   Еўрабюлетэнь : інфармацыйнае выданне Прадстаўніцтва Еўрапейскага Саюза ў Беларусі
2016   Sustainable development strategy [of] Vitebsk oblast, 2016—2025 : short version / Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee ; Scientific Research Institute on Economy of Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus ; Delegation of the European Union to Belarus
2010 Фішэр, Марыон Як працуе Еўрапейскі саюз : даведнік для беларускіх журналістаў / Марыон Фішэр ; Прадстаўніцтва Еўрапейскага саюза ў Беларусі
2016   Sustainable development strategy [of] Grodno oblast, 2016—2025 : short version / Grodno Regional Executive Committee ; Scientific Research Institute on Economy of Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus ; Delegation of the European Union to Belarus
2016-2017 United Nations Development Programme. Office in Belarus 16 pilot initiatives [of the] project "Supporting the transition to a green economy in the Republic of Belarus" funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme / thematic coordinator of the project: Piotr Sachek
2013   Фестываль еўрапейскага кіно, 10―16 мая 2013 года : з нагоды Дня Еўропы
2018 Еўрапейскі саюз. Прадстаўніцтва ў Беларусі (Мінск) Faces of projects [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / photos by Yulia Matskevich
2014   Partnership for prosperity : materials of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Republic of Belarus ― European Union: problems and perspectives of partnership", Belarus, Minsk, June 13―14, 2013 / [editorial board: L. F. Evmenov [et al.] ; National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Institute of Philosophy ; with the support of Delegation of the European Union to Belarus
2018   Праекты ў асобах : [фотавыстава, 29 мая ― 9 снежня 2018 г.] / аўтар фотаздымкаў Юлія Мацкевіч
2017 Еўрапейскі саюз. Прадстаўніцтва ў Беларусі (Мінск) Faces of projects [Выяўленчы матэрыял] / photos by Yuliya Matskevich
2016   Sustainable development strategy [of] Gomel oblast, 2016―2025 : short version / Gomel Regional Executive Committee ; Scientific Research Institute on Economy of Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus ; Delegation of the European Union to Belarus
2015-2016 United Nations Development Programme. Office in Belarus 16 pilot initiatives [of the] project "Supporting the transition to a green economy in the Republic of Belarus" funded by the European Union and implemented by the United Nations Development Programme / thematic coordinator of the project: Piotr Sachek
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