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Дата Автор Заглавие
2008 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Verification in all its aspects, including the role of the United Nations in the field of verification
1999 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Missile development and its impact on global security / Istvan Gyarmati, Edmundo S.Fujita, Kapil Kak et al
1987 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Symposium on Global Security for the Twenty-First Century, December 1986, Florence, Italy : proceedings
2007 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs United Nations Seminar on Implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1540 in Latin America and the Caribbean, 27―28 November 2006, Lima, Peru
1999 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Towards a world free from nuclear weapons : Why South Africa gave up the nuclear option / [Auth.] : Karamchund (Krish) Mackerdhuj
2007 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs United Nations seminar on implementing UN Security Council Resolution 1540 in Africa, 9-10 Nov. 2006, Accra, Ghana
2010 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Civil society and disarmament, 2010 : non-governmental organization presentations at the 2010 nuclear non-proliferation treaty review conference
2011 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Report of the Group of Governmental Experts on Developments in the Field of Information and Telecommunications in the Context of International Security
2009 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Conflict of interests: children and guns in zones of instability : panel discussion at the United Nations, 15 July 2008, New York
2010 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Promoting further openness and transparency in military matters : an assessment of the United Nations stardardized instrument for reporting military expenditures
2011 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Study on the development of a framework for improving end-use and end-user control systems
1999 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Symposium on nuclear doctrines / Miguel Marin Bosch, Ashok Kapur, Nikolai Sokov, Stephen F. Szabo
2009 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Assessing the United Nations register of conventional arms
2002 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs A disarmament agenda for the twenty-first century : UN-China Disarmament Conf., Beijing, China, 2-4 Apr. 2002
2009 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Disarmament : a basic guide / Melissa Gillis
2012 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Disarmament : a basic guide / Melissa Gillis
2011 United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Improving implementation of the Biological Weapons Convention : the 2007—2010 intersessional process / editor: Piers Millett ; United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs
2004 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Multilateral disarmament and non-proliferation regimes and the role of the United Nations : an evaluation : Contribution of the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters to the High-Level Panel on Threats, Challenges and Change
1999 United Nations. Office for Disarmament Affairs Missile development and its impact on global security / [Auth.] : I. Gyarmati, E. S. Fujita, K. Kak et al
2006 United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research Developing a mechanism to prevent illicit brokering in small arms and light weapons : scope and implications / United Nations Department for Disarmament Affairs ; Small Arms Survey
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