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1998 MAB National Committees of Europe and North America. Conference (6 ; 1997 ; Minsk) Sixth conference of MAB National Committees of Europe and North America (EUROMAB VI), 16-20 Sept. 1997, Minsk, Belarus. MAB scientific symposium "Use and conservation of biological resources", [held at the sixth conference of MAB] : Proc. / Sci. comm.: L.M.Sushchenya (chair) et al
1998 MAB National Committees of Europe and North America. Conference (6 ; 1997 ; Minsk) Sixth conference of MAB National Committees of Europe and North America (EUROMAB VI), 16-20 Sept. 1997, Minsk, Belarus. [MAB scientific symposium "Use and conservation of biological resources", held at the sixth conference of MAB] : Final rep. / Sci. comm.: L.M.Sushchenya (chair) et al
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