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1983   Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems / Managing Ed. M.Beckmann a.W.Krelle. Vol.212, Sato R.,Nono T. Invariance Principles and the Structure of Technology
1982   Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems / Managing Ed. M.Beckmann a.W.Krelle. Vol.199, Evaluating Mathematical Programming Techniques: Proc.of a Conf.(5-6 Jan;1981;Boulder,CO)/Ed.by J.M.Mulvey
1983   Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems / Managing Ed. M.Beckmann a.W.Krelle. Vol.206, Redundancy in Mathematical Programming: A State-of-the-Art Survey/ M.H.Karwan, V.Lotfi, J.Telgen, S.Zionts
1989   The Future of the World Economy : Econ. Growth a. Structural Change / Ed. by W.Krelle
1982   Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems / Managing Ed. M.Beckmann a.W.Krelle. Vol.207, Fujimori Y. Modern Analysis of Value Theory
1984   Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical System / Managing Ed.M.Beckmann a.W.Krelle. Vol.200, The Recource Sector in an Open Economy/Ed. by H.Siebert
1983   Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems / Managing Ed. M.Beckmann a.W.Krelle. Vol.208, Econometric Decision Models: Proc.of a Conf.(19-20 June;1981;Hagen)/Ed.by J.Gruber
1983   Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems / Managing Ed. M.Beckmann a. W.Krelle. No 210, Technology, Organization and Economic Structure /Ed. by R.Sato a. M.Beckmann
1982   Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical System / Managing Ed. M.Beckmann a. W.Krelle. No 203, Compilation of Input-Output Tables: Proc. of a Sess. of the 17th Gen. Conf. of the Intern. Assoc.for Research in Income a. Wealth, Gouvieux, France, Aug. 16-22, 1981 / Ed. by J.V.Skolka
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