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1999 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development UNCTAD X: High-level Round Table on Trade and Development: Directions for the Twenty-first Century, 12 Febr. 2000, Bangkok / Prep.: D.Nayyar. — [T. 4]: Globalization and development strategies
2004 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development World investment report, 2004 : The shift towards services
2003 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development World investment directory. — Vol. 8: Central and Eastern Europe, 2003
2004 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Prospects for foreign direct investment and the strategies of transnational corporations, 2004-2007
2002 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development World investment report, 2002 : Transnational corporations and export competitiveness: Overview
2003 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development World investment directory, 2003. — Vol. 8: Central and Eastern Europe
2000 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development TNC - SME linkages for development : Issues - experiences - best practices: Proc. of the Spec. Round Table on TNCs, SMEs and Development, UNCTAD X, 15 Febr. 2000, Bangkok
2004 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development World investment directory. — Vol. 9. Pt. 2: Latin America and the Caribbean, 2004
2002 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development World investment report, 2002 : Transnational corporations and export competitiveness
2003 Организация Объединенных Наций. Научно-исследовательский институт социального развития Development at risk : Rethinking UN-business partnerships / Ann Zammit ; The South Centre
2004 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development World investment directory. — Vol. 9. Pt. 1: Latin America and the Caribbean, 2004
2000 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development FDI determinants and TNC strategies : The case of Brazil
2004 United Nations. Conference on Trade and Development Transparency
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