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2021 Ажиб, Юзеф Халим (физик) Spectroscopy of NH-tautomeric and acid-base equilibria of the free base corroles : abstract of dissertation for a scientific degree candidate of physical and mathematical sciences : specialty 01.04.05 Optics / Ajeeb Yousef Halim ; scientific adviser: Kruk Mikalai Mikalaevich ; The State Scientific Institution "B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus"
2021 Ажиб, Юзеф Халим (физик) Spectroscopy of NH-tautomeric and acid-base equilibria of the free base corroles : dissertation for a scientific degree [of the] candidate of physical and mathematical sciences : specialty 01.04.05 Optics / Ajeeb Yousef Halim ; scientific adviser: Kruk M. M. ; Belarusian State Technological University
1996 Соловьев, Константин Николаевич (доктор физико-математических наук ; 1933—2023) Колебательная и электронно-колебательная спектроскопия тетрапиррольных пигментов / К. Н. Соловьев
1961 Сеўчанка, Антон Нічыпаравіч (доктар фізіка-матэматычных навук ; 1903—1978) Polarized fluorescense of chlorophyll-like molecules and some problems of their structure : [abstract to the] V International Congress of Biochemistry / A. N. Sevchenko, G. P. Gurinovich, K. N. Solovyov
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