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2011 Kostakis, Vasileios (нар. 1985) The political economy of information production in the social web: towards a "partner state approach" : [thesis for the defense of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration] / Vasileios Kostakis
2011 Kadak, Tarmo (нар. 1967) Creation of a supportive model for designing and improving the performance management system of an organisation : case studies = Organisatsiooni tegevusedukuse juhtimissüsteemi kujundamist ja täiendamist toetava mudeli loomine : juhtumiuuringud : [thesis for the defense of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics] / Tarmo Kadak
2010 Talpsepp, Tőnn (нар. 1982) Investor behavior and volatility asymmetry = Investorite käitumine ning volatiilsuse asümmeetria : [thesis for the defense of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics] / Tõnn Talpsepp
2012 Filipozzi, Fabio (эканаміст ; нар. 1970) The efficiency of interest rate and foreign exchange markets in the euro area and Central and Eastern Europe = Intressi ja valuutaturgude efektiivsus euroalal ning Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopas : [dissertation was accepted for the defence of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics] / Fabio Filipozzi ; Tallinn University of Technology
1999   Harmonisation with the Western economics : Estonian economic developments and related conceptual and methodological frameworks : collection of papers / editors: Ülo Ennuste, Lisa Wilder
2011 Tiits, Marek (нар. 1971) Technology foresight and the catching-up strategy in small countries : the case of Estonia : [thesis for the defense of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration] / Marek Tiits
2012 Avarmaa, Mari (нар. 1972) Implications of capital structure and credit constraints for company performance : a comparative study of local and multinational companies in the Baltics = Kapitali struktuuri ja krediidipiirangute mõju ettevõtte majandustulemustele Baltimaade kohalike ja rahvusvaheliste ettevõtete näitel : [dissertation was accepted for the defence of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Financial Economics] / Mari Avarmaa ; Tallinn University of Technology
2011 Karo, Erkki (нар. 1983) Governance of innovation policy in catching-up context : theoretical considerations and case studies of Central and Eastern European economies : [thesis for the defense of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Public Administration] / Erkki Karo
2010 Pőder, Kaire (эканаміст ; нар. 1972) Structural solutions to social traps: formal and informal institutions = Sotsiaalsete lõksude strukturaalsed lahendid: formaalsed ja mitteformaalsed institutsioonid : [thesis for the defense of the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Economics] / Kaire Põder
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