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1990   Intensities of two-quantacascades at different excitation energies of compound nuclei ¹⁴⁶Nd, ¹⁷⁴Yb and ¹⁸³W : submitted to "Zeitschrift für Physik A: Atomic Nuclei" / S. T. Boneva [et. al.]
1990   An algorithm for the construction of a complex gamma-decay scheme on the basis of spectroscopic data from (n, 2γ) and (n, γ) reractions : submitted to "Nuclear Instruments and Methods" / S. T. Boneva [et. al.]
1992 Boneva, S. T. Экспериментальная оценка радиационной силовой функции низкоэнергетических γ-квантов при распаде четно-нечетных тяжелых ядер = Experimental estimates on radiative strength function of low-energy γ-quanta following even-odd heavy nuclei decay / С. Т. Бонева, В. А. Хитров и др
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