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1804   Remarks addressed to the Country, not to Parties / by a National Observer
1804   The Independence of Great Britain, as the first of Maritime Power, essential to, and the existence of France, in its present state, incompatible with, the prosperity and preservation of all European Nations
1825 Тихон Задонский (Соколов, Тимофей Савельевич ; епископ Воронежский и Елецкий ; 1724—1782) Сочинения преосвященнаго Тихона, епископа Воронежскаго и Елецкаго : [в 15 т.]. — Т. 10: [Сокровище духовное, от мира собираемое]
1803 Burdon, William (публіцыст ; 1764—1818) The Question, Why do we go to War? : temperately discussed, according to the Official Correspondence / [William Burdon
1804   Address to all the Sovereigns of Europe : February 5th, 1804
1805 Colpitts, T. (публіцыст) A Delineation of the Probable Mode of Operations of the French Armies, for the conquest of the British Empire : with the Plan for the safe arrangement of the British Armies to defeat that project; reccomending a modulation of the latter, calculated for more decisive operations / by T. Colpitts
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