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1970 Murray, John The box in the corner / John Murray
1825 Canning, George (дзяржаўны дзеяч ; 1770—1827) Corrected report of the speech of the right honourable George Canning, in the House of Commons on Tuesday, February 15th, 1825, on the motion for leave to bring in a bill for the suppression of unlawful associations in Ireland
1828 Smyth, William Henry (адмирал ; гидрограф ; 1788—1865) Sketch of the present state of the Island of Sardinia / by Captain William Henry Smyth
1823 Buckland, William (геолог ; 1784—1856) Reliquiae diluvianae; or, Observations on the organic remains contained in caves, fissures and diluvial gravel and on other geological phenomena, attesting the action of an universal deluge / William Buckland
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