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1995 Department of the Army United States of America, Department of the Navy United States Marine Corps, Department of the Navy United States of America, Department of the Air Force United States of America Doctrine for Joint Civil Affairs : Joint Chiefs of Staff
1995 Department of the Army United States of America, Department of the Navy United States Marine Corps, Department of the Navy United States of America, Department of the Air Force United States of America Joint Doctrine for Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) Defense : Joint Chiefs of Staff
1995 Department of the Army United States of America, Department of the Navy United States Marine Corps, Department of the Navy United States of America, Department of the Air Force United States of America Joint Doctrine for Military Operations Other Than War
1995 Department of the Army United States of America, Department of the Navy United States Marine Corps, Department of the Navy United States of America, Department of the Air Force United States of America Joint Doctrine for Intelligence Support to Operations : Joint Chiefs of Staff
1995 Department of the Army United States of America, Department of the Navy United States Marine Corps, Department of the Navy United States of America, Department of the Air Force United States of America Joint Doctrine for Mobilization Planning : Joint Chiefs of Staff
1995 Department of the Army United States of America, Department of the Navy United States Marine Corps, Department of the Navy United States of America, Department of the Air Force United States of America Unified Action Armed Forces (UNAAF) : Joint Chiefs of Staff
1995 Department of the Army United States of America, Department of the Navy United States Marine Corps, Department of the Navy United States of America, Department of the Air Force United States of America Doctrine for Command, Control, Communications, and Computer (C4) Systems Support to Joint Operftions : Joint Chiefs of Staff
1995 Department of the Army United States of America, Department of the Navy United States Marine Corps, Department of the Navy United States of America, Department of the Air Force United States of America Doctrine for Joint Airspace Control in the Combat Zone : Joint Chiefs of Staff
1995 Department of the Army United States of America, Department of the Navy United States Marine Corps, Department of the Navy United States of America, Department of the Air Force United States of America Joint Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for Theater Airlift Operations : Joint Chiefs of Staff
1995 Department of the Army United States of America, Department of the Navy United States Marine Corps, Department of the Navy United States of America, Department of the Air Force United States of America Doctrine for Joint Operations : Joint Chiefs of Staff
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