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Дата Автор Заглавие
1992 Авдеев, Леонид Викторович (физик) Infrared troubles of differential renormalization : submitted to "Nuclear Physics B" / L. V. Avdeev, D. I. Kazakov, I. N. Kondrashuk
1994 Авдеев, Леонид Викторович (физик) The background-field method and noninvariant renormalization : submitted to "Physics Letters B" / L. V. Avdeev, D. I. Kazakov, M. Yu. Kalmykov
1989 Авдеев, Леонид Викторович (физик) The lowest excitations in the spin-s xxx magnet and conformal invariance : submitted to "Journal of Physics A: Math. Gen." / L. V. Avdeev
1985 Авдеев, Леонид Викторович (физик) On exceptional solutions of the Bethe-ansatz equations : submitted to "ТМФ" / L. V. Avdeev, A. A. Vladimirov
1984 Авдеев, Леонид Викторович (физик) No anomaly is observed / L. V. Avdeev, D. I. Kazakov, O. V. Tarasov
1992 Авдеев, Леонид Викторович (физик) Renormalizations in supersymmetric and nonsupersymmetric non-abelian Chern-Simons field theories with matter : submitted to "Nuclear Physics B" / L. V. Avdeev, D. I. Kazakov, I. N. Kondrashuk
1994 Авдеев, Леонид Викторович (физик) A queer reduction of degrees of freedom : submitted to "Physics Letters B" / L. V. Avdeev, M. V. Chizhov
1988 Авдеев, Леонид Викторович (физик) Bethe-ansatz solutions of a non-string type: numerical results : submitted to "Journal of Physics A" / L. V. Avdeev
1985 Авдеев, Леонид Викторович (физик) Solutions of the Bethe-ansatz equations for the XXXantiferromagnet of arbitrary spin with a finite number of sites : submitted to "ТМФ" / L. V. Avdeev, B.-D. Dörfel
1997 Авдеев, Леонид Викторович (физик) Pole masses of quarks in dimensional reduction : submitted to "Nuclear Physics B" / L. V. Avdeev, M. Yu. Kalmykov
1995 Авдеев, Леонид Викторович (физик) Recurrence relations for three-loop prototypes of bubble diagrams with a mass² : submitted to "Zeitschrift für Physic C" / L. V. Avdeev
1986 Авдеев, Леонид Викторович (физик) Exact solution of the multiflavor Gross-Neveu model : submitted to "Physics Letters B" / L. V. Avdeev, M. V. Chozhov
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