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   Запрос: a001="BY-SEK-800168"
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2000 European Communities. European Commission Property, rights and fairness : concerted action funded by the European Commission DG-XII and co-ordinated by Cambridge Research for the Environment (CRE) / Roderick Lawrence
2001 European Communities. European Commission Greening national accounts : concerted action funded by the European Commission DG-XII and co-ordinated by Cambridge Research for the Environment (CRE) / Martin O'Connor, Anton Steurer & Marialuisa Tamborra
2000 European Communities. European Commission Conceptions of value in environmental decision-making : concerted action funded by the European Commission DG-XII and co-ordinated by Cambridge Research for the Environment (CRE) / John O'Neill & Clive L. Spash
2001 European Communities. European Commission Value transfer and environmental policy : concerted action funded by the European Commission DG-XII and co-ordinated by Cambridge Research for the Environment (CRE) / Stale Navrud and Olvar Bergland
2001 European Communities. European Commission Environmental quality, health and the value of life : concerted action funded by the European Commission DG-XII and co-ordinated by Cambridge Research for the Environment (CRE) / Marc Willinger
2000 European Communities. European Commission Conceptualising and responding to complexity : concerted action funded by the European Commission DG-XII and co-ordinated by Cambridge Research for the Environment (CRE) / Giuseppe Munda
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