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   Запрос: a001="BY-SEK-617277"
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2004   Land degradation in Belarus: what the key issues are and how to address them / Ministry for natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus ; UN Development programme ; Global environmental facility ; [text: Yatsukhono V.M.]
1999 Беларускае геаграфічнае таварыства. З'езд (6 ; 1999 ; Магілёў) Матэрыялы VI з'езда Беларускага геаграфiчнага таварыства (27 верасня — 1 кастрычніка 1999 г., г. Магiлеў) / [рэдкалегія: В. С. Аношка (старшыня) і інш.]
2004   Assessment of capacity existing in Belarus to meet the commitments of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification/Land Degradation : report / expert team: V.M.Yatsukhno (team leader) [et al.] ; Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus
2004   Assessment of capacity existing in Belarus to meet the commitments of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification/Land Degradation ; Assessment of capacity existing in Belarus to meet the commitments of the UN Convention on Biodiversity : report : UNDP/GEF project "Nat. capacity self-assessment for global environmental management in Belarus" / Global Environment Facility, UN Development Progr., Min. of Natural Resources a. Environmental Protection of the Rep. of Belarus ; expert team: Yatsukhno V.M. [et al.](1st project), Pugachevsky A.V. [et al.] (2nd project)
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