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1807   The form of the additional and afternoon prayers, for the day of atonement : According to the custom of the Germ. and Pol. Jews. As read in their synagogues and used in their families / Transl. from the Hebr.: David Levi ; [Red.]: Isaac Levi. — Vol. 3
1807   The form of the additional and afternoon prayers, for the day of atonement : According to the custom of the Germ. and Pol. Jews. As read in their synagogues and used in their families / Transl. from the Hebr.: David Levi ; [Red.]: Isaac Levi
1807   The form of the additional and afternoon prayers, for the day of atonement : According to the custom of the Germ. and Pol. Jews. As read in their synagogues and used in their families / Transl. from the Hebr.: David Levi ; [Red.]: Isaac Levi
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