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   Запрос: a001="BY-SEK-602041"
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Дата Автор Заглавие
1931   The establishment in Palestine of the Jewish national home = L'etablissement du foyer national juif en Palestine : Memorandum on the development of the Jewish national home, 1930, submitted by the Jewish Agency for Palestine to the Secretary-Gen. of the League of Nations for the information of the Permanent Mandates Commission... June, 1931 / The Jewish Agency for Palestine
1947 The Jewish Agency for Palestine The Jewish plan for Palestine : memoranda and statements : presented by the Jewish Agency for Palestine to the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine
1939   The Jewish case against the Palestine White Paper : Doc. submitted to the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations: Dr.Chaim Weizmann`s letter. Memorandum on the legal aspects of the White Papers / [Publ.]: The Jewish Agency for Palestine
1937   The establishment in Palestine of the Jewish national home=L'etablissement en Palestine du foyer national juif : Memorandum on the development of the Jewish national home, 1936, submitted by the Jewish Agency for Palestine to the Secretary-Gen. of the League of Nations for the information of the Permanent Mandates Commission... Juin, 1937 / The Jewish Agency for Palestine
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